Kalos - Mega Evolution Part I

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"Wow!" Ash exclaimed; eyes wide open with wonder. Ele and Ladon wearing similar expressions as they look around Geosenge Town. "It's such a beautiful and peaceful town," he murmured to his pokemon, who nodded back in reply. "Mom you really outdid yourself this time!"

"Sweetie, this is just the beginning," Delia chuckled. "We still have many towns and cities to visit in these three weeks. Kalos is a beautiful region and I want us to see the most of it."

"Great plan!" Ash exclaimed, practically vibrating in his place.

Delia and her Mr. Mime, Mimey, laughed at the teenager. "Go," his mother said, "Have fun!"

"Thank you, mom!" Ash climbed on Ele, with Ladon sitting in front of him. "You are the best!" He told her, as Ele took flight.

"That boy never changed," Delia chuckled, shaking her head as she watched her son and dragons fly away.

"Mi-Mr mime," Mimey agreed.

With Ash.

"Wow!" He exclaimed for the tenth time that day.

They had taken their time to fly all over the town and decided to leave the sightseeing of the shops and cafes for later. They preferred to continue flying and look at the surroundings of the town. The forest was peaceful and full of life just like the town. Ash was having a blast, new pokemon at every corner. Kalos like Unova had so many pokemon he had never seen. So, different from Kanto.

"Look at that!" He suddenly pointed out towards the pillars of rock. "It seems to be some kind of ruins," he thought out loud. "Ele, land there," he commanded, and the dragon obliged. Landing in the middle of a circle, with various pillars surrounding the place. Ash decided to look around, fascinated with the place. He led them all over the place, leaving the ruins behind towards a rocky pathway until they reached the mouth of a cave. "What do think guys? Fancy a little adventure?" Ash asked his pokemon.

"Taria!" Ele cooed, puffing her wings.

"Gible!" Ladon roared, clenching his small fists.

"Let's go then!" Ash exclaimed, marching inside. Ladon guarding the front and Ele their behind. "It's so dark in here," the young trainer complained. "Ladon Sunny Day!"

"Gible!" Ladon shot a ball of light, small enough not to damage anything in the cave but big enough to illuminate their pathway.

Now with light, they continued down the path with ease, until they reached an open room that led towards a large chamber with a single path leading to some king of orange marble with blue and red curved strips. Ash sighed in amazement and Ladon almost rushed towards it. But both were stopped by Ele, who opened her wings and covered them and the path with Safeguard. She then flew towards the marble and picked it up with her peak.

"Thank you Ele," Ash thanked her, as he picked the marble. "That was a smart decision," he chuckled. "Now that I look at it closer, more than a marble it looks like a pearl but with a design inside," he mused out loud. "Why do you think it was in this place for? How is it even possible that a pearl is orange and has stripes on the inside?"

"Ria," Ele shrugged her wings, not knowing what to say. Ladon didn't even bother to reply, he had no answer.

"Well, we can always ask mom!" Ash brightened back up. "Let's take it with us and let's ask mom about it," ready for answers, he rushed outside with his pokemon following close by. As he was climbing on top of Ele, his stomach growled just like his dragons. Making Ele and Ladon snicker and Ash blush. "Let's go buy something to eat first. Take us to the town Ele."

What neither of them knew was that a blonde woman and her Lucario had come to George Town intending to find that pearl/marble in specific. They searched every stone seller shop, only finding a pink Mega Stone with white and teal curved strips. They don't know to which pokemon it belongs, but who knows? It might be for a fighting type. Mega Stones are hard to get by, to skip the opportunity of buying it. What they did find is a photographer who told them about a Mega Stone hidden inside a cave not that far away from the town. He did not know to which pokemon it belongs to either, but the pair thought it was a good idea to check it out. However, they did not expect to find, on their way to the cave, a boy playing with a Lucarionite while having lunch outside a café with a Shiny Altaria and a Gible.

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