The Electric Gym

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The journey to Sunyshore City proceeded with tranquil ease, Ash and Celeste savoring leisurely strolls through the city's captivating streets. It was a place where electricity surged through the air, powering every facet of life. Which is why Celeste had Zeus out, the Jolteon was enjoying the city with pleasure. Amid this bustling and electrifying atmosphere, they found joy in each other's company.

However, the serenity was abruptly disrupted when they reached the city's Gym, as they discovered that Gym Leader Volkner was distributing badges to challengers without requiring them to prove their skills in battle. Celeste exchanged a quick, uneasy glance with Ash's starter, Nephele. A foreboding sense rippled through the group, and the collective murmur carried a tinge of ominous anticipation.

"I think this will be worse than what happened with Drayden-sensei," Celeste whispered to the pokemon, as she watched Ash warily.

Predictably, Ash's impatience couldn't be contained. He forcefully swung open the Gym's doors, his voice echoing through the premises as he demanded Volkner's presence. The unsuspecting Gym Leader arrived with a nonchalant expression, completely unaware of the impending storm. As bystanders, Celeste, and Zeus, cautiously stepped back, the tension hung heavy in the air. Ash's grabbed onto Volkner's collar and pulled hard, leaving the Gym Leader defenseless. A Raichu at Volkner's side made an attempt to intervene, only to be met with Nephele. Her trainer might act crazy at times, but she will never allow a rat to attack her precious boy. Not for as long as she stands.

"You are giving out free badges?" Ash's voice, though controlled, carried an undertone of volcanic fury. "Are you a Gym Leader? Or some sort of lame excuse? What is it with Sinnoh and their Gym Leaders never being there to do their jobs? Even Drayden-sensei with his full-time job as the dean of the greatest academy in Unova, was always ready to face challengers." He questioned Volkner's actions with deliberate slowness, his words pregnant with an impending explosion. "IS THIS SOME KIND OF SICK JOKE TO YOU?! YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE A GYM LEADER ANYMORE? THEN QUIT! DON'T STAY AND ACT AS IF YOU STILL ARE ONE! THE JOB OF A GYM LEADER IS SACDRED! YOU SHOULD BE DISGUSTED AND ASHAMED OF YOURSELF!" And explode, he did. The eruption of profanity and outrage shook the Gym's foundations.

Elite Four Flint, jolted from his stupefaction, from where he had been visiting his best friend, intervened in an attempt to defuse the situation. But Ash's grip remained unyielding, and even Flint's composed facade couldn't hide his own apprehension. Ash's accusation left no room for misunderstanding. Volkner's indifferent demeanor shifted to one of astonishment and fear, his typically calm facade replaced with an unmistakable sense of dread.

"Hi, you must be Ash, I've heard so much about you from Cynthia and Aaron. Please can you let go of Volkner? I know you must be angry at him right now, but we've been best friends since childhood and he has always loved battling. I can assure you he is simply in a slump." Flint's attempt to explain the history between him and Volkner garnered little sympathy from Ash, who advanced with the slow, predatory confidence of a predator on the hunt. Volkner's attempts to step back were futile, as Ash moved forward.

"If he is in a slump then allow his Gym Trainers to get involved, he should not just give out gym badges!" Ash snapped, glaring heatedly, as Celeste watched on in amusement. Nepehele, always the loyal dragon, stepped stood behind him, graceful and imposing at the same time. "Drayden-sensei used his gym challenges to teach us, his students, we've all grown up with the pride of living in Opelucid City and having the strongest Gym Leader. What do you think the people of Sunyshore City feel about having this lame excuse as a Gym Leader. The shame of turning their prideful city into a laughing joke!" Volkner flinched back in shame at Ash's words, he had not thought about that. "And you!" Ash's glare turned towards Flint, who took a step back in self-preservation. That was the same look Cynthia and her Garchomp have when they are forced into their Champion and Ace's roles. He was not messing with anyone that can duplicate that glare. "You are an Elite Four! Best friend or not! You should knoww better than to pull strings in his favour! Do you arceusdamn job!"

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