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The kingdom lay beneath a harsh winter's grip. Each day, a blanket of snow covered the land, and the sun seldom broke through the thick, gloomy clouds. Biting winds carried the cold, damp air through the streets, and life in the bustling capital began to slow to a crawl. The people grappled with the relentless winter's demands.

In the tradition of the realm, the king convened a council twice a year, once during the summer's warmth and again amidst the winter's chill. These gatherings served as a platform for discussing reports from the empire's ministers. In the grand throne chamber, the king presided over discussions of state affairs and the challenges faced within the capital. By his side, Prince Taehyung observed with keen interest as his father, His Majesty, offered solutions to the kingdom's myriad problems. The young prince had already begun to prepare himself for the role of crown prince, a position of great responsibility.

Just a month prior, a powerful right-wing minister, favored by the Queen herself, proposed that Prince Taehyung should be crowned as the next heir to the throne. Simultaneously, a significant faction from the left wing vehemently argued that His Majesty should name his recently acknowledged illegitimate son as the heir, a son whose influence extended from the western city of Iksu. This power struggle sent ripples of unrest throughout the palace, causing turmoil within its opulent halls.

In response to the mounting chaos, His Majesty articulated a new condition for the selection of his successor, declaring that the one who could propose a testament for the empire's betterment and expansion would earn the crown. Amidst the tumult, His Majesty carried a heavy heart, burdened by a profound sorrow that seemed to pervade his entire being. He lamented how none had stepped forward to request Jimin as his successor and Taehyung as the advisor, commander-in-chief, and military minister, as he had once wished. The distant son remained an enigma to him, lacking the emotional connection he had with Taehyung. His precious son languished in exile, another son aspired to the throne, ministers plotted to replace the ruler with a puppet, rebels sought to infiltrate the empire, and the vassal kings began to question the legitimacy of the chosen successor. The challenges weighed heavily on His Majesty, and these thoughts plagued his mind continually. In these moments, he often found solace in his memories of the ex-queen.

"With this," His Majesty declared, his voice echoing in the chamber, "I adjourn the council." As the emperor descended from the throne, all the ministers bowed respectfully. Once the council had dispersed, Minister Choi approached Prince Taehyung. "Your Highness," the minister greeted with a bow. "Minister Choi?" Prince Taehyung acknowledged his presence, and a hint of curiosity danced in his eyes. "May your highness and prince live long," the minister continued, bowing again. Prince Taehyung offered a warm smile, saying, "Thank you, Minister Choi."

The minister then produced a sealed letter from his pocket and presented it to Prince Taehyung with both hands. His Highness frowned as he accepted the letter, inquiring, "Your Highness, please do read this when her majesty is not around. It is a letter specifically addressed to you. I've previously delivered several letters to her majesty, all of which have gone unanswered. I was advised to hand this letter to you when none of the royal members were in proximity."

Prince Taehyung, intrigued yet perplexed, asked, "Who is the sender?" Minister Choi, with a bow and a slight hesitation, responded, "I cannot disclose the sender's name, but it is mentioned in the letter." With that, he left Prince Taehyung alone in the grand throne chamber, where the mysteries of the palace continued to unfurl.

He began to carefully untie the letter, his fingers tracing the seal thoughtfully, his thoughts drifted back to Minister Choi's cryptic advice. He cast a cautious glance around the room, ensuring he was entirely alone before he unfolded the parchment and began to read.

Long Live The King 《《 PJM 》》# Wattys2019#Where stories live. Discover now