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Your POV.......
Her question left me perplexed. "Nothing. I came here to get one of the book for prince Jimin." I answered. She nodded and was about to go in. "No, don't go." I ordered her. "Miss Y/n?" She wanted the reason. "Because I am done now. Why were you searching for me?" I asked her bluntly changing the topic

"Miss Seohyun is calling you." She said and with that smile dropped. I spaced out. "She is going to kill me." I sighed. "Miss Y/n." She called me. "Yes let us go." I said and followed her.

Oh god, just let master Jihoon pass without anyone noticing. I prayed.

Upon reaching there, "Where were you? Do you know that there are still decorations left for Chilseok? You are such a careless maid." She shouted at me. "I went to find a book for Prince Jimin." I excused. She eyed me from head to toe. "Go and check on Prince Jimin." She ordered, I bowed and ran to Prince Jimin's chamber. My hands slid the door and I saw him reading a book on the chair. "What happened?" His usually calm voice asked instantly as if he knew it was me. "Miss Seohyun asked me to check upon you, your highness." He hummed.

"What mask will I be wearing tonight?" He asked. "May be the mask of red ghost?" I suggested. "Or the yellow troll? Or the mask of the hidden prince?"

"May be the mask of hidden prince." He picked, as his hands closes the book turning to face me. He smiled, a peaceful and content. "Yes, your highness." I smiled. He always wore the masks to avoid people from acknowledging him. But in reality outside this palace no one else knows the existance of such a prince. During the festivals, with the mask he would stand on the first floor having the glimpse of the glimmering festive nights. The past two years I got the chance to stand next to him. Not much talking but enjoying the view the drama in the markets around the palace. And in the palace he would stand in the corner of the palace to view the performances held in here.

I could understand his eagerness and desire to walk in the streets feeling the jovial moments there by watching all the street plays, dramas and so on. Had it been me, I would have found ways to walk around. His condition always had me to pity him.

"Would you like to take a walk outside the palace tonight, your highness?" I suggested him, tucking a small smile on my lips. His eyes moved from me to the book in his hand. "I would like to but it might be a trouble for the majesty." His troubled voice spoke yet the roughness did not drop. His tone was enough for anyone to know that he was bound by the love and protectiveness of his majesty and that he respected it. "Well, I can make arrangements for you, your highness." I spoke up which had him snap his head to my direction.

His eyes emitted surprise, eagerness and hope. "Seohyun would never agree." He said dropping his head. "No one would know about this, just me and you." I assured him. It is risky to do it yet I want him to experience this. Not everything can be known through books but experience can.

"Don't make my hopes to rise." He bluntly replied, his hand booking the book and long fingers turning the pages. "I promise you, your highness." But it seemed that he did not want anything more to be heard. I felt upset but yet was determined to do it. My upper body bowed and walked out of his chamber.

Twilight broke the sky as the sun set behind the forest. The rooms and corridors of the palace was lit with light by candles and lamps. Before Seohyun vanished somewhere, she handed over Prince's fit out. I took the mask that I cleaned after taking out from the palace's drama store. I stepped out of my chambers and walked to Prince Jimin's. "Your highness?" I called out seeking for permission. "Permitted." I heard his voice, dull than earlier. I stepped in, closing the door behind me and placed the dress and mask on his bed. He stood up from the bed and walked out.

The manner that he stood infront of me left me stupid. The maids were the ones who always changed him but there were none here, busy with others and decorations. "What happened?" He asked me with a quzzical expression. "Nothing your highness." I pulled out and stepped in front of me. My heart was racing in my chest, hands were shaking as my finger untie the knot, slowly removing the covering shirt. My hands immediately fold them placing them on the bed. I gulped on the thought of removing the inner. My hands moved to his stomach and pulled the inned inner out of his pants, thus sliding them out of his body. He stood there with his head straight. I quickly undo the fit out I brought and help him wear the inner. There was hinderance in wearing the shirt, he has to change his pants. I stood there not able to put the concern in ststement. "Your highness, I shall turn around while you change your pants." I blurt with my eyes squinting and head hung low. I thought he would nagg me. "Alright." He spoke softly. I turn around and stare at the wall. "When it is done, you can hum, your highness." I asked him. Soon I hear a hum and decide to face him. My hands worked up quickly helping him wear his hanbok shirt, then his socks, combing his head, letting the hair tied up like a noble man.

"Shoes." I said and picked his shoes from the corner. Once he was all dressed up, my eyes scanned him from his head to toe. All were set. "The mask." I said, my hands were about to reach for it but he took it. "I will wear it." He said gazing at the mask, I nodded. He wore it.

To be honest the white and red mixture of the mask was suiting with his red hanbok. "We shall head." He said and took steps to the door. I followed him. By reaching the stairs that led to upper veranda, I bowed to him which had him pause his steps. "I am sorry your highness."

My fingers wrapped on to his wrist and pulled him to back of the palace. "Where are you taking me?" His voice surprised. "To the streets, your highness." I smiled to him. "Do not trick me." His speech threatened but his tone was more hoping. "I shall not."

I was a bit worried hoping that Hwayoung did her work. As soon as we reach the back door of the palace ground, it was empty proving that Hwayoung did her work.

My lips grew wider. "We are there your highness." I said, my walk turned to a run and we made out of the palace. I didn't stop until we reached a small shop. I let go of his hand, heaving for breath. I turn to face him. He too was breathless. "You are crazy. You legitally did it." His voice shrieked a bit. A chuckle escaped my lips. "I did it for you, your highness." I smiled. He straightened his posture, through his mask's eyes I could see his eyes squinting a bit, my expectations that he was smiling but I could not see his beautiful smile like the one in the portrait.

"I shall take you to the market." I said and intertwined my hand with his, taking us to there.

Hey guys,
I updated the book. I hope you guys love it. 😀
If anyone east asians reading my books, please dm me a hi. 😊

Hope you guys have a great day ahead.😊😊😊
With love,

Long Live The King 《《 PJM 》》# Wattys2019#Where stories live. Discover now