CH 49

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His highness stopped in front of a certain cell. The man sat there in a corner facing the wall. Your cries seized for a moment before peeping into the cell. With light sniffles and your paining voice called out his name, "master Jihoon." The man turned around and saw his one and only love. Her cheeks stained from tears, trembling lips and broken eyes. She came to see me. He stood up from his place and walked closer to the cell door. 

"Y/n." His broken weak voice called your name, eyes glimmering with tears of joy and hope. It was overwhelming for the two of you and more than enough for you to break down again. His hand slid through bamboo bars caressing your cheek. His thumb gently wiping away the tears as you sobbed in his gentle caress. "What hap-pened to you?" Tears dwelled slowly as your palms held his hand. "Nothing, Y/n. I am fine." His feeble voice came out of his dried throat. His condition pained you; blood and dirt on his clothes, swollen cheeks, one purple eye, dried blood below his nose. Unconsciously sliding through the bars, your hands touched his bruised face carefully, caressing his torn lips further intensifying your cries.

"I will be waiting outside." Prince Taehyung declared before striding out to keep watch over the compound, to ensure no one saw you meet Jihoon. "What i-s this?!" Your shivering hands  "I missed you." His face succumbed to pain and sorrow, finally someone came to console him. His expression gave you the biggest squeeze of pain for your heart. "I missed you too." tears streamed down your face as your hands clutched his hanbok, desperate to hold him in your arms to console him.

The reunited couple stood there crying for a few moments. "How?" you questioned, torn between the relief of his presence and the urgency to uncover the truth and save them all. "I don't know Y/n." He began to cry again. "I didn't ki-ll her." his head slumped on the cell door. "I really don't -know why I'm being puni-shed." His cries muffled. How could someone accuse this harmless man? He could never hurt a person intentionally. Who is that crazy man who reported him. "Tell- me -the truth. What-have-you-done?" The hiccups interrupted your flow. "I-will-tell-his-highness."

He shook his head, disagreeing. He knew well that Prince Jimin wouldn't calm down until he were dead. For he could understand the grief of Prince Jimin; losing someone close to him as he too lost someone close. "His highness...wouldn't believe you." He closed his eyes seeping the situation he was pushed into. "No! He-will." you shook. "No, Y/n!" His voice rose. "He saw me last night. He was disappointed to his core." 

"I could never kill Yubin, she was an elder sister to me." Your face whimpered feeling his agony. "Why must you be arrested for it?" Your eyes closed, rubbing your hands' warmth to his hand. "Wish I had answers for it too." He whispered as his head rested on the bars, a tear roll down his eyes. "Who could have done this to you?" Right then your ears picked up the sound of hurried foot steps approaching your direction. 

"Y/n." called prince Taehyung halted beside you. "Jihoon, I will bring her tomorrow." He assured and then turned to you, "We need to go out before brother sees you here." You didn't want to leave yet your lips pressed a quick and hard kiss on Jihoon's hand one last time before parting away. His highness's steps were quick and hard to keep up with him pulling your hand. As you walked past Jieun's cell, "Jieun, I will do everything to save you." you saw her face; a pained smile and dead eyes. She lost hope.

Her face clouded your mind, casting doubt on whether anything would ever work out. As soon as you stepped out of the compound, Prince Taehyung stopped causing you to collide his right side. After wiping your eyes, you looked ahead only to see Prince Jimin. "What are you doing here?" His face remained stoic, examining each of their facial expressions. Your eyes grew wide. You pulled away from Prince Taehyung's arm and stood beside him, offering a quick bow to his highness before your eyes met his. "Come here." commanded his cold voice. Prince Taehyung decided to intervene, "I brought her here to meet her maid friend, Jieun," Prince Taehyung replied calmly, he stood as barricade.

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