CH 35

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Not proof read!!!!

My heart paced in my chest as I ran through the corridors to reach his highness's chamber quickly. Lots of thoughts disturbed my mind, 'what will she say? will she not let him out again? what would he say? Why is it so hard to reach him? was it this long to reach him?' My eyes had only one destination, lots of figures pass by except one. When it came to my view my steps gradually slowed down as though I had to stop even without my brain thinking.

"Y/n!" Hwayoung caught my shoulders, supporting my heaving body. "Where have you been since morning?" Her voice sounded surprised. "I-I.... wa-s..." I tried to say. "Listen, I have something to say." Her voice took a turn to cautious tone. My hands wave on her face in denial. "Not.. now. After my meeting with the Prince." I told her and she understood. I didn't have a time for any other conversation while getting worried about prince Jimin. "During lunch then." She decided the time. My head vigorously nodded, running back to the chamber.

I reached the corridor and found the Queen's maids standing out. They all took a glance of me before returning to their head low posture. My mind that kept getting buried under thoughts had it calm down for a moment. Took in a deep breath to slow my tensed senses. Once the trick worked, I stepped in the chamber to find Seohyun crushing the medicines while Queen stood there staring at his tired body intensely so much like she could burn two holes on him. "Your majesty." I bowed to her and stared at the ground. "Where were you?" Her words sounded impassive. "I went to prepare his highness's lunch." I hastily replied. She didn't ask anything after that. Seohyun fed the medicine while his highness groaned once a while. He tried to open his eyes once a while to look around the room.

I went closer to his highness and helped him to sit when he gestured me to come closer. Seohyun returned to her place behind the queen. Prince Jimin scooted closer to my standing figure, later slumpped his head against my waist. I tried to push him to have him sit properly with his aching head. But he did not care for it. I took a glance of Queen mother who had her eyes squint with a serious expression. "My head hurts." He blurted, slumped his head back to my waist. "Prince Jimin, this is what happens if you try to step outside the palace. It is by god's grace that you are fine." Her scrutinising eyes looked at us. "Do you recollect your actions from yesterday, Prince." Her deep voice asked him. "Mother, I am not feeling well currently. I would like to rest." He let out a whiny phrase.

"Alright." She let out a sigh dropping her stiff self. She took steps to me as I bowed my head low. "Move." She whispered and I follow it. As I moved away she took my previous position and hugged him, having his head buried under her hanbok sleeves. "Jimin, you are precious to us. Please don't make us worry by rebelling us. It is for your sake, we have not let you step in the real world." She caressed his long hair. I simply stared at them, wondering what will his highness reply. "You know that I love you right?" Her voice moving to a wistful one. She must be worried for not having his highness report in the morning like she had asked her too.

"Mother, I am only a bit tired. Everything will be fine after a short nap." His drowsy voice answered. Brushing his face more on her stomach. "That is not the answer to my question." Her tone caught a mischievous sense that mothers often use to have their kids under their spell. "Mother, what was the question?" He face moved to look up with his eyes still closed. "You know that I love you, right?" She repeated.

The question made my inner self churn a bit with suspicion but I cared less. Why to jump in conclusions without any knowledge?

"Yes. You love me a lot. Lot more than...hphmmm...." he groaned mid sentence while her majesty caressed his long hair. " more than Taehyung." He completed. "Will you do as your mother asks you to do?" She enquired in the same sweet demanding tone. "Yes mother." He replied. At that moment my conscious was begging not to say yes as though it sensed something wrong, it was too late for that. Her majesty kissed Prince's forehead before wishing him a get well soon greet, helping him get under his covers. Meanwhile I looked Seohyun with grudge because she got promoted as Queen's personal assistant while I am the only one looking after his highness.

Long Live The King 《《 PJM 》》# Wattys2019#Where stories live. Discover now