CH 55

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An excruciating pain spiked your body but it was nothing compared to the thought of reuniting Jihoon in the other end of the world came. A pleasant scene, his left hand firmly locked by your fingers, walking through the rice fields under the evening bright rays. His pleasant smile brought a smile to your lips.

Prince Jimin's eyes shot wide and shouted as the dagger edge him, struggling to free your hold with his strength but you didn't let him. The soldiers rushed to his aid and his majesty came running when heard the chaos that took place beside him. One of the soldier released your hold and what everyone saw were confused yet expected. The crowd below the platform were shocked and worried as to what was happening up there.

Prince Jimin didn't let go of his support on you. Your unstable body collapsed into his arms. Eyes heavy, slowly losing senses, blood soaking your hanbok, his highness's alert peaked, "Y/n! No, no, no, no!" his bewildered shout, fingers aggressively tapping your cheeks hard to keep you conscious. Panic instilled in him, doubt clouding his mind whether to pull the dagger or not from your stomach to save you. It didn't take much time for you to lose conscious entirely. His majesty was furious to see your attempt and contemplated it as an attack from you. "How dare she-" but prince Jimin interrupted him, "Father, please don't do anything. I beg you." he pleaded, tears running down his face, scared if were to lose you too; someone he cared and adored very much.

"No, prince Jimin!" His majesty brutally denied. "Father, please. She didn't attack me. She needs to be attended immediately, the bleeding is heavy." he complained for an immediate action. "Soldier, help me bring her to the physician." He commanded his guards to take your fragile body to the physician as soon as possible. His majesty was taken aback with his son's actions. He was angry and confused at the same time that his son ignored his command to save his assassin, which in the previous cases prince Jimin always repeated. He was very much disappointed in you. The trust that he had build on you all crumbled to the ground with this moment, it was like he had trusted his son in your hands but you chose to bite the hand that fed you.

"Jimin!" His majesty's voice sterned, strongly holding him back while the guards rushed to the physician with your limp body. With fear and distraught evident on his face, "Father, I cannot lose her too. Let me go." His panicked self tried to free. His majesty's jaw clenched, viewing the childish behaviour his son displayed, "She tried to attack you just like all your previous maids." his grip tightened, "Don't think she is any special. Don't fall for people just because they show their good side-" but prince Jimin had enough. "She did NOT attack me. She lost the man she loved. She was going to kill herself but it was I who hugged her without knowing her PLAN! I don't want to lose her no matter WHAT, your majesty! I am very much pleased to give my life to HER if she WANTS!" The prince didn't hesitate to lie or express his emotions against his father.

"She is very important to me just like how you are important for mother." For a moment, his majesty saw a slight resemblance of his Misuk's anger with the prince, his hold loosened which the prince took an opportunity to sprint off. His majesty stared at his hand that had clutched the prince once. Mind wavering off to another world with his beloved one. "Damn it." He cursed under his breath when snapped back.

"Your majesty." came a feared call from eunuch Shin. "Where were you? Weren't you assigned to stay with the prince all times? What would have happened if she stabbed my son instead?!" He lashed out at the eunuch. "Your majesty, this was not how it was supposed to happen. She told me that someone had tipped her about an attack on prince Jimin today. She is not someone to carry a weapon with her.-" His majesty's dark aura was spread, which had eunuch Shin fall on his knees, "An attack on him? She doesn't carry any weapon? Then what was it today? She clearly tried to attack my son, you imbecile."

Long Live The King 《《 PJM 》》# Wattys2019#Where stories live. Discover now