Chapter 3: Before The Storm...

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"No please! Don't take them from me!"

I could hear her voice even though I was about to lose my conscience.

I looked besides me only to see my little sister with her eyes closed, tears were threatening to fall from my eyes.

How did all this happened?

It was all because of that thing...

I saw as a red creature was holding my mom with one of its tendrils by her neck.

I've never felt so useless in my entire life...



I'm so sorry...

"Hey c'mon stay with me!"

??? POV

One Day Before...

You know? I'm not a heartless person.

I can still clearly remember my victims.

How could I not? Some of them were family after all...

My grandma, the dog of my mother... I tried to kill her too, but my father beat me to it.

Since I was an innocent child they sent me to an orphanage.

I killed people there too...

I even met my first crush, she was s beautiful girl.

Oh I loved how her broken her body was after I pushed her in front of a moving bus.

She shouldn't have laughed at me.

Now they keep me in a cell. Is this how they pay me for getting rid of shitty people?

But today I feel like something is different...

Despite having a straitjacket in me my cell was like a normal one, in fact my cell had one huge defect.

It had a window...

And despise the fact that I couldn't do much with the straitjacket on me, for some reason I've been staring at the window for the last 4 hours 17 minutes and 43 seconds.

I've been counting every second and each second I count it gets me more excited for what's about to come, something is going to happen today, I'm not sure what it is, but it's definitely going to be worth it.

And that's when saw it, in the metal bars of my window a red creature was coming into my cell.

"Well, what do we have here" Again for some reason, I couldn't help but feel excited about something.

It's like someone just leaved this nearby only for it to find me...

Once the creature was close enough it begun 'crawling' over me until it found all the way to my mouth, I couldn't do anything because the straightjacket wouldn't allow me to move.

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