Chapter 17: The One I Trust

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??? POV

I could barely open my eyes as I felt pain all over my body.

My face was against the floor and all I could do was hear people screaming, my sight was blurry because the pain was insufferable.

However, I could see someone else besides me.

It was Peter in his Spider-Man suit, he was kneeling and trying to stand up, despite all of his injuries.

He was panting, exhausted, and he was probably hurting all over.

But he always gets up, right?

He just looked to the front, not paying attention to the Battlezone around him, once again he was ready to fight.

Only that this time, no matter what we do...

We cannot win.

With pain, I looked forward and the sight before me was a terrifying one...

Buildings were destroyed, dead people, the Avengers were on the floor, and none of them could do anything against what was before them.

And despite all this, two things stood out to me...

An army was before me, thousands of them fighting against us and the best heroes humanity has...

And it was clear to me that whatever we were fighting, was not human


However, there was something else even more terrifying before me.


It was something that has only appeared in fairy tales.


Only this time, it isn't a fairy tale... But it was a nightmare for all of us.

Dragons were destroying the city of New York and we couldn't do anything, we were being overwhelmed and there was nothing we could do.

The dragons looked at us and it was at that moment we knew we were done.

I tried to stand up, but it was useless... I couldn't move no matter how much I tried.

And with an extreme speed we couldn't see, the dragons began to approach us. I could only close my eyes, accepting my fate and Peter tried to guard himself.

The last thing I saw was how one of the dragons opened his mouth to eat us and...


I woke up in my bed, my body suddenly jerked up and now I was sitting in the middle of the bed. I was panting, sweating, and scared.

I close my eyes for a moment before taking a couple of deep breaths and calming down.

It was that nightmare again...

Then again, it felt like something else.

I was never the one who would believe such things, but something was odd about that nightmare, everything was too real.

It wasn't a nightmare, but a vision...

Still tired, I stood up from my bed before walking towards the kitchen and I spotted the whiskey bottle I left there yesterday. I considered grabbing a cup to take a drink, but at the moment I thought it was unnecessary, so I grabbed the bottle and took off the cap before taking a drink.

It was probably too early for this, but I don't care...

"You have an incoming call, sir"

A female voice could be heard through my apartment, did the voice come from a human, however? Of course not, she was just one of my favorite AIs.

Broken. (Marvel Girls X Male Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora