Chapter 14: Pawns

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"I still think that this shit is not my style" Is what I said as I was wearing a suit for the first time inside a fitting room.

"Is not about style, you are an important man now, by wearing those clothes people are going to know that they'll have to respect you" Said Felicia out of the fitting room and I could only sigh.

"I'm ready" I said and almost immediately Felicia opened the curtains of the fitting room, of course that out of everyone she would be the one who's most excited about this.

"Alright let's-" She stopped talking when she looked at me, her eyes fixated on me up and down "Meow~" She said, giving me a sultry smirk and purring afterwards.

I was wearing a dark suit which consisted of a black jacket, trousers and a white shirt, nothing out of the ordinary but I really felt out of place wearing something like this and I surely wasn't willing to try anything more fancy, it would just make me feel more awkward.

"I really don't like wearing this" I said, adjusting the neck of the shirt I was wearing since I felt suffocated.

"Why?" Asked Felicia, approaching me and helping me with the shirt, she also made sure to put her body extremely close against mine so of course I felt her... balloons against me.

"What are you doing?" I asked not expecting the contact, and I'm pretty sure I was blushing at this point.

Felicia just looked at my face with a smirk "Hmm? Whatever do you mean?"

"Ooh, she knows exactly what she's doing. She has a lot of points in my book"

I'm not even going to ask what books he's talking about...

"Hmmm, maybe a tie wouldn't look bad on you either" She said, patting me on the chest.

"I'm not going to wear a fucking tie" I said with a frown "I already feel uncomfortable, no need to make it worse"

Felicia sighed "Well that's a shame, but if you really feel uncomfortable just remember that we are going to rent this for the meeting, then we'll return it" There was a disappointed expression on her face as she said that but almost immediately she replaced it with a smirk "Although I wouldn't mind seeing you like this sometimes~"

"So I'm just an eye candy to you?" I asked jokingly.

But what seemed like an innocent joke was almost an insult to her as she looked at me with a frown "Of course not" after saying that she put her hands on my face and began caressing my cheeks with her thumbs.

Something that was becoming usual every time I'm alone with her.

And I'm certainly not complaining...

"You are important to me..." Continued Felicia as she stared at my eyes "I-I care about you and you know that..."

I couldn't help but smile at her comment and I sweetly held one of her hands "I know... And I know that I'm an asshole sometimes but you... Y-You are also... You are also-"

I was interrupted when Felicia put her finger in my lips the moment she saw me struggling saying those words.

'You are also important to me' why is it so difficult for me to say?

3rd Person POV

And Y/N didn't know, but just at this moment he found out that he was scared of something.

Yes he cares about Felicia...

But he's scared to lose her, he was too scared that when he said those words to someone else, they would leave his life or anything like that...

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