Chapter 15: Changes

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A/N: Long ahh chapter.

3rd Person POV

The room was silent for a moment as Kingpin gave the official start of the meeting.

The only ones standing were Y/N and Felicia.

The boy was standing near the table and still using Venom as a mask, the one reason he wasn't taking a seat was because he knew that he was the one being judged right now.

He could kill every single one of them right now if he wanted to...

But not now... You need pawns for a war after all.

As for the girl, she was leaning against the wall that was near the door, she was looking at her claws as looking a little bored.

But that's her specialty, she's an expert in intrigue.

She looks like she's bored and not even paying attention, but in reality she's listening and quickly taking a look at everything, even hearing the breathing of everyone in the room.

Kingpin was the first one to talk.

"Well, now that the meeting has started I would like to present everyone in the room to our guest of today" After saying that, he lifted his hand and signaled at the dark skinned man "Diamondback"

Diamondback didn't even make the effort to stare at Y/N, his eyes were on the Black Cat, all he wanted to do was get one of his many knives and put one of them in her head.

Kingpin signaled at the man besides Diamondback "Hammerhead"

Hammerhead was looking at Y/N with a frown, almost as if trying to find out what he's planning.

"Jigsaw" Continued Kingpin signaling at the man that had many scars and stitches on his face.

"Now that's what I call a man with multiple faces" Said Venom in Y/N's mind.

"And The Owl" Said Kingpin signaling the man that had brown hair and looked like a human bird.

"Everyone, I would like you all to meet our guest, even though I'm pretty sure you all know him because of his past" He pointed at Y/N "Mr. Venom"

And now all of the eyes were on the teenager, all of the bosses silently judging him.

"The purpose of this meeting is about him, I'm sure that you all heard of Tombstone..."

Everyone nodded at Kingpin words "Well, Mr. Venom over here was the cause of his demise"

Hammerhead couldn't help but let out a little smile "Good, I used to have business with him, but is no secret that he used to threaten woman and children or even worse, that's unacceptable and is definitely not the way we do business, I'm glad to know he finally got what he deserved"

"Damn right" Said Diamondback "That fucker had deal with other people that isn't us, and he refused to talk about it"

"Gentlemen please" Interrupted Kingpin "I know we all have shared some kind of... 'Dislike' for Tombstone, but I'm not done talking" He cleared his throat before taking once again "As I was saying, Mr. Venom was the cause of Tombstone's demise, but that's not the only reason he's here, he plans to also take over Tombstone business and today we are here to see if he's worthy of our trust"

The crime lord smiled before looking at Y/N "If he's worthy of our trust, we can consider doing business with him and all of Tombstone street's will be officially his" He now turned to look at everyone on the table "If he's not worthy of our trust however... Sadly there's no middle point, either he's our ally and someone we can trust, or he's our enemy"

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