Chapter 9: Answers

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Ain't no way right?

I'm currently looking at the spider suits that were hidden in Gwen's room.

"Y/N?! Everything okay?" I heard Gwen's mother scream downstairs, making me turn around while hiding the suits on my back.

"Yeah, just a couple minutes!" I shout back.

Quickly I turn around and put the suits where they were while putting the wooden plank back on its place as well as the picture.

Maybe she's saving it for a cosplay?

"Why would you hide a suit for a cosplay? Better yet, Why are the two suits damaged like they used it on a recent fight hmm?"

"I... I don't know" I whispered.

"What you saw seems pretty obvious to me kid"

"I don't think they are superheroes, Venom"

"They stand you up, you barely spend time with them cause they are not around. I'm sorry but sometimes you have to realize the harsh truth"


"There's two suits there kid, it's not hard to guess who the other person is right?"

I pinched the bridge of my nose trying to calm me down "Miles..."

"And now you know not only the identity of one spider, but the three of them. See? My mere presence changes lives"

"You know what? I better get downstairs before Helen worries" I said walking out of Gwen's room.

Walking downstairs I spot Helen looking at me "What took you so long?"

"Ah it's just... Some memories" I partly lie.

"Oh dear... Do you want a hug sweetie?" she asked.


"I'm okay Ms Stacy, thanks" I genuinely think I received enough hugs for today "Can I ask you something though?"

"Sure sweetie, what is it?"

"Where is Gwen?"

"Oh, she's on this internship with Stark, she's been very busy with that lately. Why you ask? Want me to call her for you?"

I smile at her "Oh no it's okay, that's not necessary"

"Internship with Stark, also known as Iron man, and Spider-Man works with him, I really don't think you need anymore clues kid"

As much as I want to disagree cause I don't want to believe the fact that my friends were lying to me for a long time.

He's right...


After talking to Gwen's Mom I currently find myself walking towards my block.

That is until I found a little Kiosk on the way, and my eyes fixated on a pack of cigarettes.

Never in my life I thought that I would get to smoke, but when I tried it I found myself getting out of the world at least for a few seconds.

I approach the kiosk and ask the man who was attending it "How much for a pack of cigarettes?"

The man looks at me suspiciously "Seven dollars"

I check my pockets and pull out a ten dollar bill, the very same I had during all this days, this was supposed to be saved so I buy myself a bike on the future.

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