Chapter 23

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I'm bored out of my mind without my other half, and I think that it's possible for me to lose my mind like this. With Amira proceeding with her new chapter of her life, I'm feeling empty trying to refill my hollow figure.

I don't even notice the presence of the man behind me when he comes into eyeshot- and even when I do, I don't acknowledge him

I'm laying down on my stomach on a couch when I hear, "Z," Bilal says, bending down to meet my level. "Everything okay, my love?"

Putting my face in my palm, I look at him, a look of sorrow evident on my features. "How can I be okay? Amira left only days ago and I can't even think straight." I reply with a frown.

Bilal looks at me, lost in thought when he gives me a small, reassuring smile. "I think I know how to help with that." He winks.

I watch him with a confused look on my face as he leaves the living room.

I wash my thoughts away and go back to being my depressed self or whatever you want to call it.

I think I zoned out for a very long time because by the time I snapped back into reality, I heard a familiar voice I wasn't expecting. "Hey Zahra, did you miss me?" the voice says and my eyes widen when I directly recognize their voice.

I sit up straight, quickly and turn around, and there he is, Anas, standing in the doorway. "Oh my Allah, Anas! You're here! I've missed you so much! " I say excitedly as I run to hug him tightly. He chuckled slightly and hugged the daylight out of me, but I didn't care, he's here... I know it's not Amira but at least it's a person as close to me as I am with her.

"Wait. How-" I get cut off by Anas when I want to ask him how he knew, and how he got here, but he already knew what I wanted to say and replies by saying: "Bilal called and asked if I could come over because you were being an emotional, depressed b-tch- " he gets cut off this time by Bilal.

"Careful when you are talking about my wife... Especially in front of me. Plus, I didn't say any of that bullsh-t and you know it"

"Okay, first off, Anas was just joking, and secondly, am I the only one here who doesn't curse? Have some shame. Both of you. Especially you Anas. How many times have I told you not to do it? " I lecture them

"Okay, sometimes I feel like she's older than you. " Bilal says to Anas and I playfully slap his arm.

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We are sitting on the couch while a movie is playing in the background and talking about literally anything at this point.

I've noticed something odd about Anas though. I'd seen him giving Bilal death-glares and Bilal noticed it too.

We both just brush it off and continue with our conversation.

Bilal leaves the living room where we are sitting because he got an urgent phone call from work and left to go to our room upstairs.

"Oh yeah, how's work by the way?" Anas asks.

"Oh- well, I haven't to work in a while so I wouldn't know" I say shrugging.

Anas gives me a confused look and asks me why. "Well... Long-story-short, I got injured and Bilal told me that it'd be better if I took a few days off to recover, but when I did, I just didn't want to go back to work because I'm trying to focus more on my deen since I haven't been doing well mentally. I called my boss and he told me that he'd fire me if I don't come back but Bilal threatened him-I don't know how,but yeah-so he finally agreed. " I respond talking quickly all in one breath.

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