Chapter II

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Damon arrived home very early in the morning, as he was out with the fairy for hours in the night. The two walking under the stars, talking about this and that's and whatnots. The moon shining her light on them as they devour the many flavours of ice cream to Faye's delighted pleasure.

Was he a bit irritated that after hours he still had no idea what she exactly is? Yes, you could say that. The small pieces of information he came to know of her was but a few of nothing. He knew she wasn't human to begin with. Not just from the aura that surrounds her, but also her scent. She didn't smell human. She smelled different, a good different. She smelled like a flower field, like the smell of grass when it had rained. A very alluring sweet scent he got addicted on the moment he got a whiff of.

The other thing he found out about the strange girl, was that she never had a taste of ice cream before this night. Not only that but she was suprised and intrigued by a lot of things that you will call normal. Like for instance she didn't know ice cream had more than one flavor. She actually thought it was just one, named ice cream. Also, she was fascinated with each house they past. Looking in each window, and pointing at randow things while excitedly shouting its name. A bit unusual if you ask him. But again, with her, he didn't mind it.

Also she didn't know what money is. Or atleast not the kind Damon knows of. She bursted out in giggles when Damon gave the cashier at the ice cream shop a piece of paper. Finding it hilarious for some reason. She had shaken her head at him as she rummaged through her pockets, still giggling her breath away. Before she throws a couple bronze coins down and skips out of the shop with her hands full of ice cream. She was a true mystery for Damon and he couldn't get enough of it.


Damon slams the door loudly behind him. Storming into the house, straight to the liquor and pouring himself a glass.

"Where the hell do you come from?", Stefan questions as he appears in the room. Having been startled awake by the loud noises.

"Out.", Damon simply answers with a shrug, before seating himself on the couch as he intensely stares at a spot on the wall. His mind occupied by the strange girl he just met. Irritation brewing in his stomach as he tries to block this rising intrigue he has for her.

"What is wrong with you?", Stefan asks, as he almost is concerned for his brother as Damon just silently stares forwards. No emotion on his face and his eyes unfocused. Something Stefan never saw him do.

Damon looks down at his drink, swirling the liquid around as he contemplates if he should tell his brother about the new person in town.

"Nothing. I'm peachy.", Damon quickly puts on his usual smirk as he laid back in his seat. He decided to keep her to himself for a little while. Just until he knows what she is and if she's a threat.

"Shouldn't you be in bed, little brother. You have school tomorrow.", Damon mocks in a stern voice, making Stefan roll his eyes before yawning.

"Yeah yeah, dad.", Stefan mocks, making his way back to his bed. Damon silently snorts, not having expected for his broody little brother to play along.

Now with Stefan upstairs, Damon is alone. And when you're alone your thoughts come forward to keep you company. And Damon's thoughts just kept springing back to one certain person. No matter how hard he tried to push her out of his mind.

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