Chapter XXVIII

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'The Last Dance'
Episode 18, season 2
|Part III|


A hallway somewhere in the school.........

"Okay, so where are you taking us?", Elena asks, her eyes skitting around to find a sign of her brother. I was searching for the boy aswell, looking in each classroom we pass to find a trace of him or the Original, but with no luck.

"Just a little further.", 'Alaric' insists, walking just a few steps in front of us. My eyes flick to him, locked on the back of his head.

I suddenly stop in my tracks. "Faye?", Elena questions, stopping aswell. "What's wrong?", she asks.

"Faye?", Bonnie questions. "Do you know where Jeremy is?", she quickly asks in desperation, but still no answer from me as my eyes are trained on him.

'Alaric' stops aswell and suddenly starts laughing. "I just had to get away from that dance. The sixties, ugh. Not my decade.", he groans in disgust. "I mean, whose call was that, anyway? I much prefer the twenties. The style, the parties, the jazz.", he lists of with a laugh.

Elena worriedly looks at him. "Alaric. Are you on vervain?", she hesitantly asks.

"Now why would you ask me that question, Elena?", 'Alaric' questions with an amused smile.

"He's being compelled.", Elena explains to Bonnie and me as she comes to that realisation.

'Alaric' humms. "Nope. Try again."

"What's going on?", Elena questions, confused.

'Alaric' laughs again before his eyes fall on me. "Why don't we ask our fairy? She knows.", he smirks. The way his lips were tugged up was almost like he was proud for some reason. Which makes the truth even more infuriating.

"Why don't you tell her, love.", 'Alaric' continues.

My eyes turn into slits as I look at the man. "He's not Ric.", I tell her in distaste.

Elena stares at me in confusion before her eyes widen in realisation. "Klaus!", she gasps, turning to the said man.

"Surprise!", 'Klaus' exclaims, smiling broadly.

"How?", I mutter, my face scrunched up weird as I take in his glimmer.

"Oh, right that.", 'Klaus' laughs. "You like it, my darling fairy? I wasn't sure if it would work at first, but judging from your expression it did."

"You kept his glimmer.", I mumble in shock. There was a tiny bit of awe lining my voice. I was always told a person's glimmer is unique to them and will always follow them. It was impossible to copy. But here, a vampire nonetheless, managed to keep the person's glimmer who he is possessing. It is...... just amazing.

"Oh, no. No, it's not possible.", Elena rambles, having trouble wrapping her head around it all.

"Just relax, Elena. I'm not here to hurt you. You're not on my hit list tonight.", 'Klaus' tells her, before turning his eyes to Bonnie. "But you are." He starts towards her, but Bonnie reacts quick and throws him against the wall with her magic.

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