Chapter XIX

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'Crying Wolf'
Episode 14, season 2
| Part II |


Salvatore Boarding House............

We were in the library sitting and drinking, you know the usual stuff. Alaric had joined us, giving Damon another victim to hear him whine about Elijah this and Elijah that. You would think he got a thing for the man with how much he talks about him.

"Today was a bust.", Damon sighs.

"Yeah. How's the throat?", Ric questions, before taking a sip of his drink.

"Sore.", Damon groans, rubbing his neck.

"Yeah. That Elijah's one scary dude, but with nice hair. Hey. You want another one?", Alaric asks us both. I shake my head, only having sipped my glass two times. Damon hands him his glass, and he stands up to pour them another.

"He's gonna be hard to kill.", Damon says without thinking. Alaric turns around, staring wide eyed between Damon and me.

"You what?", I slowly asks, hoping I heard it wrong.

"Hmm..?", Damon innocently humms, quickly sipping at his drink. I raise my brows, staring straight at him without blinking.

Damon gulps, reaching over and picking my drink out of my hand. "I'm gonna need that.", he mumbles, before shooting it back.

"....Damon.", I warn.

"Fine, fine.", he holds his hands up. ''I plan to kill Elijah, no big deal.''', Damon shrugs, and stands up, turning his back to me.

''And why do I only hear of this now?'', I ask with raised eyebrows.

"Well... because I didn't think you would want him dead.", Damon carefully explains. He takes another step back, expecting some sort of outburst from me.

"Because I don't!", I exclaim, throwing my arms up in exasperation.

Damon grimaces. "Yeah, thought so.", he mumbles.

"How do you even plan on killing him?", I question seriously. "Nobody ever succeeded in killing him. The guy has lived for a thousand years or something and nobody figured out how to kill him. What do you think you can?", I stare up at him, our chests almost touching as I had walked closer during my rambling.

"-Surely many had tried, and they had all failed. I don't think they lived for long after.", I continue, the seriousness on my face slowly fading in concern.

Damon's face soften. "I'm not gonna die, tink.".

"You don't know that, Damon. And is it really that smart to kill the only guy who will help us against Klaus? The only guy who has the knowledge and the strength to fight him?", I question with raised eyebrows.

"Look. I have a plan, okay.", Damon assures again.

"What for plan?", I question with a sigh.

"John gave me a weapon....", Damon begins. I blink, the possibility of me understanding this out of the window once he said the first word.

"-Wait, wait okay. I know it's hard to believe, but John truly wants to help. Look, I only have to stab Original in the chest and poof, he is out of our hair.", Damon simply explains, truly seeing no fault in it.

"And there won't be a revenge kill on your favorite vampy.", Damon jokes, poking me on the nose.

I take a deep breath, biting my first retort back and try to see his side. You know try to understand his point. But then I saw the victory creeping in his eyes, and I just couldn't let him win.

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