Chapter XVII

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'Daddy Issues'
Episode 13, season 2
| Part II |


Somewhere in the woods in a RV.............

"So, How many vampires are there in this town anyway?", Brady asks Caroline and me. We both stay silent, not saying a word. He huffs before shooting Caroline with a squirt gun filled with vervain. Caroline screams again, tears rolling down her face.

"No?", Brady taunts us. The bars rattle as I kick against them, but they wouldn't butch. I try to scream, yell, curse at the man, but they come out muffled through the gag in my mouth.

"Why are you doing this to us?! Why are you doing this? Why?", Caroline screams as she also starts to kick the bars.

"You're a vampire. Why not?", he shrugs before using a blowgun to shoot wooden darts in her neck.

Caroline screams fill my ears, the sound echoing around in my head. My tearfilled eyes shoot to Brady as his attention turns to me. I try to shuffle backwards as he slowly stalks to me, but my back was quickly met with metal.

"But you, sweet pea? What are you?", he softly hums. He drags a knife along the bars, taunting me. "Hmm. What was that?", he questions, holding his hand up to his ear. "You have to talk louder than that, sweetheart.", he grins before shoving the stick back into my cage, right against my chest, and electrifying me.

My body still spasms as it stops, almost like there was enough electricity pumped into my body it will never stop. "Y-you w-will be s-sorry for t-this.", I was able to say between spasms, the gag having slipped off during the assault.

Brady turns back to me, interested. "Will I, huh?", he chuckles, his eyes alight with joy as he takes in the marks he has left on me. Outside of the many burned circles scattered around my skin, it is also colored in many blues, purples and yellows, showing every hit he gave me.

I slowly pull myself back up. I grab the bars to pull myself as close as I could to him. "Y-you will.", I simply promise. A tinge of smoke flies of the bars as my hands left them. Caroline shoots me a wide eyed look as she watches the smoke dissapear.

Fortunately, she was the only one.

"You think you can scare me? Sweet pea, I'm the one with the knife.", Brady chuckles, dragging the knife against the bars again. Brainless idiot. "Ah-", he winces, dropping the knife. It clatter against the ground, his head shoots to me as he cradles his burnt hand against his chest.

Delighted giggles dance out of my lips. I lean my back against the bars, my eyes flashing for a second. "You were saying?"

Brady growls before swiftly grabbing his gun and shooting Caroline in the chest. Caroline screams again as she hunches forward. I shoot back up, looking worriedly over to her.

"You bitch!", Brady yells before also shooting me, but in the shoulder. I bite my scream back and glare a hole in his back as he leaves the RV.

"Get it out of your system?", Jules questions Brady as he walks up to her.

"No, I'm just getting started.", Brady tells her while cradling his burnt hand to his chest.

Jules eyes his hand. "You found out what she is yet?", she asks, her brows furrowed in confusion as she stares at the burned skin.

"No, not a clue. But I'm close. I will get to her to break and fess up." His lips curl into a sadistic smile as he says the words.

Jules looks at him uncertain. "Brady, let's be smart about this. I just want the boy. It's our duty to help him, it's who we are.", Jules tells him after sighing.

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