Chapter IX

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Season 2, episode 9
|Part II|


Fell's Church Ruins..............

We are maybe ten minutes......? Yeah, ten minutes in Elena's questioning and Katherine's story, and I can already say with confidence I am going to be traumatised by the end. If not already now. Because Katherine just told us the lovely story of her dead. Which she of course didn't leave in any other hands but herself.

"You killed yourself?!", Elena exclaims.

My head shoot up in shock at the realization. But I could understand why, it was the fastest and smartest solution at the moment. And one can only admire others path through a struggle, admire the actions you wouldn't dare go through. Very wise, isn't it? I got that from a friend. He is a squirrel.

"Klaus needed a human doppelgänger. As a vampire, I was no longer any use to him.", Katherine explains with a shrug.

"But it didn't work. You didn't really escape, you've been running from klaus ever since.", Elena comments with a bit of confusion.

Katherine sighs, a quite irrated sigh. But it also held a heavy meaning, an underlying pain. But from Elena's judgemental stare it seems I was the only once who could tell.

"I underestimated his spirit for vengeance but living in a suitcase is better than dying so you can have your blood spilled over some silly little rock."

Elena pails at Katherine's words, looking more ill each second. I shoot the girl a worried look, knowing some unwanted answers are going to be said, answers the Gilbert girl doesn't want to hear, and I don't know if she could handle them.

"What's wrong? Afraid I'm right? You don't want to die?", Katherine mocks with a small pout. "There's another way out.", she continues. She cuts her wrist with her nail, the skin broken and blood flows out.

"Better hurry. Your opportunity is going, going, going and gone." Elena eyes are stuck, unease in her as she watches the wound heal up. "I made the other choice.", Katherine says with a bittersweet smile, before continuing with her story.

I stare down at my lap, my brows furrowed as I think. The first thing I felt when Katherine told us how she betrayed Rose and Trevor, how she sentenced them to death all for her own selfish reasons, was anger. Pure white anger. The kind of anger that burns in your stomach. But I couldn't have it in me to place all that anger on the Petrova girl. No, the one responsible, the one who truly deserved my anger, the one who is to blame is Klaus.

Elena shakes her head, not seeing further and entirely blaming Katherine for it. "Rose and Trevor spent the last 500 years running because you used them. Trevor almost got killed."

Katherine's eyes widen a bit, before a chuckle escapes her. "He's still alive? Didn't think he would lasted that long." I clear my throat, shooting her a glare as she looks at me. Katherine quietly sighs, before giving me an apogetic look as she realise I must have gotten close to him.

"You don't even care that you ruined their lives.", Elena scoffs.

"I was looking out for myself, Elena. I will always look out for myself. If you're smart, you'll do the same." Katherine harshly suggests, before turning away from the girl and opening the Petrova book again.


"So how much of your little story is true?", Elena stares skeptically at Katherine, who was reading the book.

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