Chapter IV

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A week has gone by and I was nicely acquainted with Mystic Falls. I had mostly spent my days in the company of a certain vampire. Where there was one, the other one wasn't that far. I don't really know how our friendship came to be. Maybe loniless found me and I clinged to the first person I found. And let's be honest, I was getting a bit bored with humans and a vampire just seemed to be the perfect solution for some excitement.

Damon and I, we just somehow clicked. On so many aspects we are polar opposites to eachother, too different to ever fit, but for us it just.... worked. They don't say opposite attracts for no reason.
It almost feels like we have known eachother for years, like childhood friends who picked up the thread after years apart, carrying on as the other has always been there. Of course that is not true, but it sure feels like it.

It was apparently an unusual occurrence. Befriending someone takes time, you slowly get to know one another, find out if you fit together. Or atleast that is what Damon says.
Back at my home everybody is extremely friendly. A simple greeting and you're the best of friends. That is how I've been raised, act like everybody's your friend. So for me it wasn't anything uncommon.

There also has been some progress between me and Stefan. I could say the two of us are getting used to the other. Slowly but it is a start. We have been having some civilised conversations. Polite chitchat and all, but I can tell he's warming up to me.


It was my third night at the boarding house. I went to bed early as I had been out in town with Damon all day. We spent the day in a building called a 'cinema', watching numerous movies and inhaling buckets of popcorn. But that's not important right now.

I woke up around two o'clock to my stomach loudly grumbling. Guess popcorn isn't that fulfilling. I left my room and tiptoed downstairs, intending to find some food to ease my hunger. But you can guess in a house where vampires live there is not that much to find.

"Something... Something... I need something.", I quietly mumble while searching through the kitchen cabinets, hoping to find something I know I could eat.

"Don't they have food.", I huff as I look through the sixth cabinet with no luck.

"Are you sure you're looking hard enough?"

I spin around, my hand on my chest, a yelp escaping my mouth in suprise. "What are you doing?!", I whisper-yelled to the cause of my small heart attack

"What are you doing? I could hear you rummaging in here from my room." Stefan walks in the kitchen with a yawn, rubbing his eyes.

My face softly flush. "Uhm... I... Y-you see.", I stutter, not capable to form a clear sentence. Caught by him made me second guess if I could just grab some food. It was his house and I was just a guest, an unwanted guest for him, and I was a bit scared on how he would react.

Stefan raises his eyebrows, staring expectantly at me. I opened my mouth but before I could utter a word my stomach decided to speak for me, showing reason for all to hear.

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