Chapter XVI

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'Daddy Issues'
Episode 13, season 2
| Part I |


The first thing I was met when I woke up was a flaring headache, like my head was splitting into two. Not the nicest way to wake up to, but it wasn't exaxtly my first.

I squinted my eyes, my hand shooting to my aching head. "Ow.", I mumble, my voice high-pitched in a squeek. I throw the covers off me and shakely pull myself up in a sitting position.

"Look who'se awake.", I turn my head and was met with a grinning ball of happiness, Trevor.

"Hello.", I grumble a greeting back, giving him a short wave, still rubbing my aching forehead.

"Gave us a bit of a scare there for a second.", Trevor comments with hum. He quietly waits for me come to my bearings, for me to come back to earth, because I was clearly out of it.

"Sorry.", I absentmindedly mumble back, my eyes gaze around the room until they stop on the window or more what's out the window.

"The trees are sad."

"What?", Trevor questions, confused. He turns around and looks at the direction of my eyes.

"The trees. They are sad. They're not dancing anymore.", I mumble out, sadness lacing my voice.

"Uhm....Faye, are you okay....?", Trevor hesitantly asks as his switch between me and out the window. He wasn't sure if this was usual Faye talking or she hit her head too hard Faye talking. Plus he wasn't totally sure there was a difference between the two, in the nicest way possible of course.

"No...I'm not.", I mumble out pathetically. My breathing starts to get heavier, panic clouding my eyes. "I'm not okay. Something's wrong."

"Rose?!", Trevor yells over his shoulder before rushing over to me. "What's wrong? Are you in pain? Does something hurt? Where does it hurt?", he rambles on, turning to panic himself.

"What's going on?", Rose questions, her voice joining the panic, as she runs into the room. "Faye....", she lets out a relieved sigh once seeing me awake, but that relief quickly vanishes upon seeing the state I'm in.

"What's wrong?!", she runs over, joining Trevor.

"Something's wrong, something's different. I am....", I gasp out beteeen breaths.

"What, Faye? You're what?", Rose quickly asks. She ducks down, trying to catch my eyes but to no avail.

"I'm... I'm.... as weak as a human."

Rose and Trevor both blink, plopping back down onto the bed. "Oh.", Trevor calmly voices, almost sounding relieved.

"Oh?", I repeat. "Oh?! I'm weak. Without magic. Magicless.", I stresses. "Oh mother nature.", I shoot up right, coming towards a horrible, disgusting, astrocious realization. "I'm like an elf.", I whimper, clutching a fist to my chest like it physically pained me to say it. Which it did.

Rose bit her lip, being the nicest to keep her chuckles at bay and not full on laugh in my face like Trevor is doing.

"It's not funny.", I whine, before letting myself back down on the bed.

"I'm sorry.... sorry.", He gasps out between laughs, before clearing his throat. "You were saying?", he innocently voices, a little annoying smirk on his lips as he looks down at me.

I roll my eyes with a huff. "I'm like an elf.", I repeat after a beat of silence.

"You're like an elf.", Rose nods, agreeing with me. She shrugs when I look over at her, saying something along the lines 'it is what it is'. Hate those words. I look back up at the ceiling, feeling extremely bad for myself.

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