chapter 24

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"Goddammit!" Victoria screamed as she used both hands to shove the seven-tier wedding cake, causing the entire huge cake to fall on the floor.

She was not just angry, she was beyond angry. Her teeth were gritted, her face was red, and she was breathing heavily.

She had long ago pulled out her veil and had been screaming the entire time.

The only people in the room with Victoria were her adoptive parents. She looked terrifying, as if she wanted to strangle someone, and her hand movements showed it. The same hand movements she made when she thought about that Halverson girl.

She should have been married by now. She should have already taken on the position of Mrs. Callahan, and tonight should have been their first night together.

But no! Another Halverson had to stand in her way.

She had to disrupt the wedding and bring it to a halt before Jeremy said 'I do' to Victoria.

One would think that after that girl ran away, Jeremy would come back to the altar with his fiancée, right?


He too left with only four words, "The wedding is postponed."

Victoria could not accept this. How could it have come to this? "Not the cake, Victoria. I was looking forward to eating that!" her mother said, half serious and half joking.

This made Victoria glare at her. She was not in the mood. She looked at the cake on the floor, broken into several pieces of different sizes. She had chosen this cake for this day, and it was ruined even before she got to eat it with her husband. Even before she got to have a husband.

Her ring finger was still empty, just as it was yesterday.

"Didn't you say Gwen was dead? How did she suddenly appear at the wedding?" John, her father, asked.

"That was not Gwen!" Victoria answered, gritting her teeth. "That was Elsa."

Why did Elsa come at that exact moment? Elsa was never a problem. Why now? Well, she better keep not being a problem because she has no idea who she is messing with.

John looked shocked for a second, then shook his head. "Are you sure?"

"We are... Gwen Halverson is dead," his wife, Esther Rowland, answered him.

"But then, why would Elsa come to your wedding? Do you think Gwen told her something?"

Remembering her confused expression, Victoria thought out loud, "I don't think she came there with a motive."

Elsa genuinely looked confused. She didn't know why she came to the wedding. But she knew Elsa didn't know anything that could get her and her family in trouble.

Gwen was so eager to protect her precious twin that Victoria doubted if Gwen told Elsa to come to the wedding.

Which leads to the question, why did she come then?

Did she just wander into a random wedding? No, she couldn't have. Maybe she wanted to see the young master Callahan get married.

Even though Victoria had wished for their wedding to be aired everywhere, which was possible, Jeremy declined in the end.

He didn't even want the reporters to know the date of the wedding. And when Victoria secretly leaked it, Jeremy immediately postponed the wedding, much to her annoyance.

So she had no choice but to be quiet about this one, lest the wedding gets moved again.

"But Jeremy must have followed her. This can't be good," Esther spoke, remembering Jeremy leaving in a hurry, going in the exact same direction Elsa ran off to.

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