chapter 48

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Elsa stood next to Lui as he checked his computer.

"This here is the Government database," he said calmly.

Elsa couldn't believe he had access to something like that, and he was helping her?

She did not want to ask why he had access to this because she knew for sure he was not an FBI or government agent.

It looked like he was scrolling through a big encyclopedia. The government database collected information for various reasons. They had everything about everyone there, from vehicle registration to social security to voter registration. There, he searched Elsa up, and then Gwen. He put both their files side by side and went through them both at once.

"You have access?" she asked, looking at her and her sister's information in disbelief. It was at his fingertips.

"Not as much as I want, but enough in case I need to find someone... I know a guy in the FBI. He owed me, so he paid me with this."

That was how he found out that Gwen had a twin before she died. And because of that, she knew some things about Elsa. Things that he had noticed had changed in her file and matched with Gwen's. Even Gwen's was changed a little.

He nodded his head and confirmed what Elsa told him. "It is true. You are both Gwen and Elsa. Your fingerprint matches with both."

Elsa looked at the files. Lui enlarged both fingerprint images for her, and after a careful look, she confirmed they looked very similar. A match.

"How did that happen?" she asked. She and her sister were twins, yes, but they cannot have matching fingerprints. That is illogical.

"Someone changed both your and Gwen's information. But yours most of all. They made it look like you are one person. And they did that very recently."

"How recent?"

"This shows the information was updated and changed three weeks ago."

That was the exact time she met Jeremy. 'This can't be a coincidence. Why was it changed at that exact time and not when Gwen died?' Someone was targeting her on purpose.

"Do you know who could have done that?"

"I can't tell who did, kiddo. There is no way for me to know. That is something you have to figure out."

"Oh," Elsa said, disappointed. She bit her lip as she tried to think if she knew anyone who worked for the government in any kind of field. But no one came to mind.

She didn't know anyone with such a connection to tamper with her government information like that. Not an FBI or CIA agent, not a cop, or even a marine soldier. She was at a loss.

"All I can tell you is that they wanted to make it look like it was changed immediately after Gwen died. But I can tell it wasn't."

Elsa felt like she was going to cry. But before that, maybe this could be fixed.

"Can you change it back to how it should be? Remove my fingerprint and information from Gwen's data?"

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