Story 2 - Suffocation

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John had been walking in the forest for hours, the humidity rising with every step he took. He felt like he was suffocating beneath the oppressive heat. He hadn't seen a single soul since he'd set out on his walk, and now he was beginning to regret it. He was about to turn around and head back when he suddenly heard the sound of another person.

He looked around but didn't see anyone. He was about to dismiss it as an imagination when he heard the sound again and realized it was coming from above him. Looking up, he saw a figure hanging from a tree branch.

He quickly ran over and found the figure was a young girl, her face red and tears streaming down her face as she struggled to get out of the tight rope that tied her there.

John immediately untied her and helped her down to the ground. He asked her what had happened, and she told him that she had gone for a walk in the woods and had been ambushed by a group of strangers. They had tied her up and left her there to suffocate.

John was infuriated and swore to find the perpetrators and bring them to justice. He comforted the young girl, assuring her that he would protect her and make sure that they would never do this to anyone else.

With the girl safe in his care and resolved to find the culprits, John set off to track down the perpetrators, determined to end their reign of terror.

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