Story 46 - Darkness in the room

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The night had come and little Annie was tucked safely in her bed. She had already finished her regular bedtime routine of praying, covering up up to her chin, and sing her lullaby twice. Everything was to make sure she was ready for the night.

Little Annie was extra alert that night, since there were rumors going around that something had been seen lurking in the nearby woods. Some said it was a dark figure that moved silently in the shadows, and others claimed it was the ghost of a man long-buried in the graveyard.

Annie found herself tensing up as she listened for any odd sounds that might come from outside her window. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, and Annie soon fell asleep.

That changed suddenly in the middle of the night when a noise outside her window awoke her. It sounded like a creaking floorboard. Then, something caught sight of movement in the dark corners of her room. Maybe, just maybe, it was the creature from the rumors.

Annie felt scared and alone, but also brave enough to get out of bed in search of the source of the noise. As she ventured away from her bed and into the darkness, she felt a chill.

No matter how hard Annie looked, she couldn't find any signs of the menacing creature. She did find something else, however. It was a human skeleton cloaked in a tattered cloak, lying on the floor of her bedroom. She screamed, not knowing what to do.

Annie was relieved when her parents came running into her room as soon as they heard her scream. Her parents inspected the figure on the floor and identified it as an old man who had died years ago in the nearby woods. He had come home to find his final resting place, but was unfortunately disturbed by Annie that night.

Annie was safe and her parents comforted her throughout the night, but the memory of the creepy figure in the darkness never left her.

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