Story 23 - Physical damage

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Laura was a young girl living in a small town with her father and mother who loved her dearly. She was a bright and lively girl who had a flair for meeting new people and experiencing all that life had to offer.

One day, during her father's absence, Laura was walking home from school when she was suddenly attacked by a group of men. She was grabbed from behind and dragged kicking and screaming into an old van. To her horror, she realized that these men meant to kidnap her. Laura fought to escape but it was no use. Eventually she was hogtied, gagged, and driven away to an unknown location.

When she finally arrived at her destination, the group of men took her out of the vehicle and put her in an old, deserted house. It was obvious that the men were planning to keep Laura hostage for a long time, and so they locked her inside the basement.

For days upon days, Laura was subjected to inhuman treatment from her captors. She was deprived of water, food, and medical attention. She was also physically assaulted and sexually assaulted by the men, leaving her feeling even more broken and scared.

After what felt like an eternity, the men finally drove Laura back to her hometown and released her, but the damage had already been done. Laura was traumatized by her experience and never fully recovered from it. Her experiences had changed her for the worst, and she slowly drifted away from her family and friends.

Sadly, no one was ever caught in connection with the kidnapping and the perpetrators went unpunished. The only consolation was that Laura was somehow able to move on with her life, though the wounds remained deep and tender. The trauma she'd experienced was something she would never forget - a reminder of the danger and darkness lurking in the shadows.

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