Story 30 - Forever - sleep

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Lynnie was the life of the party, often downing more than her fair share of drinks. She would always go out, and no matter how much she drank, she had never felt the effects of a hangover. She was always up early the next day, going out and doing the same thing all over again.

It had been like this for years, it seemed like a never-ending cycle until one night, Lynnie went home and fell asleep and never woke up ever again.

The cause of her death could never be proven, but most family and friends suspected it had to do with her lifestyle. While it was impossible to prove, one thing was for certain; Lynnie was never going to get up the next day and party again.

The news of Lynnie passing away was a shock for all of her friends. They hadn't seen it coming; it seemed like such a tragedy. Nobody had expected it, and everyone was taken aback by the situation.

The news made everyone start to reflect in the moment, they each thought about how it could have so easily been them, and the realization that their own days were limited. It was a somber thought, but it was also a reminder to make the most out of life, to appreciate the moments that matter and to treat every day as if it could be our last.

Lynnie would never get to experience that again, but the friends she left behind realized that it didn't have to be the same for them. That each day mattered, and they could take time to be grateful for being alive, to love and live life to its fullest.

At Lynnie's funeral, they each mentioned the changes that she has inspired in them and the life lessons that she had gifted to every one of them. As they left the wake, they all whispered their goodbyes and reminded each other to live life to the fullest and enjoy every day like it was their last.

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