Story 43 - Virus spreading

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Gabriella Anderson was an evil scientist who seemed to have unlimited resources at her disposal. She had been hired by a mysterious benefactor to create a new type of virus that could potentially be used to wipe out entire existence.

Gabriella secretly crafted her virus with little regard for the consequences. She had no moral compass to hold her back; her only goal was to create something powerful enough to spread quickly and to do enough damage to permanently disrupt existence as we now know it.

Gabriella soon had a virus that was unique in its composition and strength; it was like an unstoppable plague on speed. She tested it on a small group of volunteers who, in only a matter of hours, succumbed to the virus and died. The virus had worked precisely as she had planned.

Gabriella happily accepted the task of delivering her creation around the world. She loaded a large quantity of the virus onto a jet that she piloted herself, with the intent of using the virus on her mysterious benefactor's enemies.

First she dropped her deadly payload on the enemy that had hired her to create the virus. Eventually, Gabriella had dropped enough of the virus in enough places that she had irrevocably changed the world. Her virus had spread across the entire planet in a matter of weeks, killing millions of people and decimating entire ecosystems.

Gabriella had done her job seamlessly and was now a millionaire. She was seen as a hero to some and a villain to others, but one thing was certain — Gabriella Anderson had undoubtedly changed the world with her destructive creation.

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