Story 13 - Power

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It all started on a cold night when young David stepped into the dark laboratory of Doctor Hell. The doctor was an eccentric scientist who had been researching a mysterious project, the nature of which no one knew.

Young David was instantly mesmerized by the strange machines and tests that Doctor Hell was conducting. He eagerly asked the doctor what he was working on.

Doctor Hell smiled and told him that he was researching the power of evil - he was trying to find a way to use the power of evil to take over the world. Young David was horrified and immediately tried to leave, but Doctor Hell blocked his path.

The doctor then revealed to David that he himself was not a scientist, but an evil demon. He had been using his laboratory as a cover while he searched for ways to unleash evil upon the world.

David was terrified and tried to run away, but Doctor Hell once again blocked his path. He warned David that if he ever told anyone about what he had seen, terrible things would happen.

David was eventually able to make it back home that night, but he was shaken from the experience. He tried to tell his family and friends about Doctor Hell and his mission to take over the world, but no one believed him.

Years later, David and the rest of the world would discover the truth about Doctor Hell when the evil demon unleashed his plan for world domination.

Luckily, brave soldiers and citizens were able to eventually defeat Doctor Hell and defeat the forces of evil. Thanks in part to David's bravery in standing up to the evil demon, the world was saved from a great darkness. But not for long since Doctor Hell was good in escaping and hiding, which meant he was still out there once again.

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