Story 14 - Heal

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Alissa, a beautiful young mermaid, was swimming lazily in the Caribbean Sea when she was suddenly caught in a fishing net. The net cut into her skin and she suffered terrible injuries. Alone and in pain, she eventually freed herself from the toils of the net and slowly swam to a nearby beach, where she had heard there were people that could help her. However, when Alissa arrived she realized that it was uninhabited.

Knowing that she didn't stand a chance of healing on her own, and with no help in sight, Alissa's will to live was slowly fading away. Just when she was about to give up hope, a friendly face appeared above her in the sea. It was a young mermaid named Percy who had heard about Alissa's plight and came to her aid.

Percy tended to Alissa's wounds and used her special healing powers to help her recover. Soon enough, Alissa felt like herself again, and with Percy's help, she was able to make a full recovery.

Consumed by gratitude, Alissa still honors Percy's kindness and considers her a dear friend. Every day, Alissa is reminded of how blessed she is to have such a kind and caring friend in Percy. Not only did Percy save her life, but she's also done so much more, teaching Alissa the importance of compassion and why it's so important to care for one's friends and neighbors. Alissa is forever grateful to Percy for the helping hand she extended.

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