Story 19 - Stars

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Once upon a time there was a boy named Ade who loved nothing more than looking to the stars in the night sky. He often walked out after dark to search for new stars that nobody had noticed before.

He read everything he could about astronomy, devouring books and websites alike in his quest to learn more and discover more about the universe. He started to develop a reputation among local star-gazers, and soon he was identified as an up-and-coming genius in the field.

One clear night, Ade was out in the field with his telescope, scanning the sky for anything new. It was then that he noticed something. Something unfamiliar. A little dim speck in the night sky, that he was sure nobody had ever seen before.

He titled the new star the Ade Star, and wrote to all the top astronomers in the world, telling them about his new discovery. Soon he was the talk of the scientific community and his observations were hailed as a fantastic discovery that truly pushed the boundaries of the known universe.

Ade became a famous scientist overnight, and embraced his newfound fame. With a twinkle in his eye, he looked forward to all the new discoveries he was sure to make in the future.

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