Story 29 - Laughing to death

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Janice Patterson had always been a lover of laughter. She had been the life of the party since she was a little girl. So, when she heard about the old lady who had died laughing, she knew that she wanted to outdo that.

So, Janice decided she was going to do something outlandish and silly to make sure that the next time someone died laughing, it was because of her. She started thinking of ways she could make the most of her comedic abilities.

Janice reached out to her friends, and came up with an original show idea. She and her friends would put together a sketch comedy show that focused on outrageous, and completely ridiculous characters and situations.

That show was a huge hit. Everywhere Janice and her friends went, they were met with cheers and laughter. Unfortunately, one night Janice went too far. In the midst of one of her most outrageous and hilarious sketches, she suddenly clutched her chest and collapsed.

When paramedics arrived, it was too late. Janice had died from laughter. She was 20 years old.

At her funeral, her friends were teary-eyed but still smiling. To them, Janice would always be remembered as someone who went out doing what she loved best: making people laugh. Her legacy lived on in every gag and skit she ever wrote.

Janice had achieved what she set out to do: she had died laughing. Her friends made sure of that. Every time one of her sketches was performed, the same belly-laughing contagiousness was brought back to life.

Janice's death was a tragedy, but it was also a celebration of her life and her passion for laughter.

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