Story 35 - Alien attack

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The galaxy was in chaos. All the inhabitants of the Transgalactic Republic knew something was wrong, but they didn't know what. It was then that the electro-aliens showed up. They came from who-knows-where, their metallic blue bodies reflecting the light of the distant stars.

The electro-aliens were a sight to behold as they roamed through the stars, their electric powers raging with the intensity of supernovas. But their presence soon became a cause of fear among the inhabitants of the galaxy. The electro-aliens seemed bent on destruction, leaving behind a path of destruction and fear.

The Transgalactic Republic was powerless against the electro-aliens, so they called for help. The help arrived in the form of a giant spaceship, courtesy of neighboring galaxy. Its presence sent a wave of terror through the electro-aliens, and soon enough it was on a head-on collision course with them.

The electro-aliens, taken by surprise, could do nothing but watch in awe and horror as the giant spaceship destroyed every single one of them, save for one — Malway. The young electro-alien had managed to take cover in time and was spared the death of his fellow aliens.

Malway was a good and friendly electro-alien, unlike the others from his planet. When the spaceship turned towards him, he managed to fly away from his planet and then he shot like a thunder across every single universe, until he reached a galaxy with a planet named Earth.

the young alien Malway studied the species called humans and then he transformed into one of them, so nobody would notice. He grew up as time had passed and soon he and his human wife became a son, who they named Xavier.

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