Story 6 - Traumatic accident

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Max had lived a fairly contented life until the fateful day when tragedy struck. He was just 10 years old, walking home from school with his friends. They were crossing the street when a car suddenly sped around the corner. It seemed to come out of nowhere. Max's friends screamed and tried to dive out of the way, but Max couldn't move fast enough.

The car slammed into Max with a sickening thud, sending him flying through the air and crashing onto the pavement. When his friends ran to his side, he was lying in a crumpled and motionless heap. He was rushed to the hospital, where scans revealed a long list of injuries.

Max was in and out of consciousness for the next few days as doctors struggled to keep him alive. They eventually determined that he had suffered severe brain trauma from the impact of the accident. He spent the next few months in the hospital, undergoing multiple surgeries and therapy to try to help him recover.

Max's entire life had changed in an instant. He was now left with lasting physical and mental disabilities, unable to do the things he once enjoyed. His parents, who had been devoted to him prior to the accident, now became distant and angry, struggling to cope with a life drastically altered from the one they had imagined.

Max was no longer the same carefree and outgoing child he had once been. He was now plagued with nightmares, flashbacks, and depression. His traumatic backstory had left its mark. It was a life he was still trying to make sense of - struggling to find a way to keep going amidst all the pain.

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