Story 40 - From hate to love

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Amira and Ming always had a huge chip on their shoulder when it came to each other. Their distaste for each other started in middle school when they were in the same grade; Amira was the undisputed leader of the popular kids and thought Ming was a huge dork, and Ming thought Amira was too stuck up and thought she was better than everyone else. They were always getting into arguments and little fights over the simplest things.

The rivalry between them only intensified as they got into high school, and their hatred for each other had become something infamous to their respective circles of friends. Any time the two were forced to interact, it was always incredibly tense and awkward.

However, one day during a chemistry lab, things between them finally started to change. They were forced to work together to complete an experiment and while they were waiting for results, they started talking and actually found out that they had quite a few things in common; surprisingly, they even enjoyed many of the same books and movies. This was the start of their slow transition to becoming friends.

Once they realized that their initial assumptions about each other were wrong and that they actually had a lot in common, their friendship began to grow and their hostility towards each other dissipated.

Eventually their friendships blossomed into romantic feelings and they had their first date. Amira and Ming had come a long way from hating each other to being in a committed relationship. They are now inseparable and it's clear that this was a dream neither of them ever thought possible before.

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