Story 39 - Justice

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There were two news suits walking into the courtroom, both wishing for justice to be served. One of the two represented the victim of a drunk driving accident; the other was for the defendant, who had been arrested for the crime.

The hearing began and the prosecuting lawyer approached the stand. He began to establish the case that the defendant had been driving under the influence at the time of the accident. It was clearly evident that the suspect had been drinking prior to getting behind the wheel of the car.

The defense lawyer then approached and he began to argue that the suspect was only slightly above the legal limit, and that he had not been reckless nor had he consumed the alcohol in excess. It was all circumstantial evidence, and the accused had no real way to prove his innocence.

The judge then explained that it was up to the jury to decide whether or not the defendant was guilty of drunk driving. As they began their deliberation, the victim's family could only wait and hope that justice would be served.

One by one, the jury members returned to the courtroom and each of them stated that they decided the defendant was indeed guilty. The room filled with bittersweet relief from the victim's family, as justice had been served; yet, the tragedy of such circumstances still hung in the air.

The judge concluded the hearing by imposing a harsh sentence - a fine, jail time and a lifetime ban on the defendant from ever driving again. It was a reminder to us all of the severe consequences that come with drunk driving.

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