Story 7 - Tragedy

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Cooper had grown up a seemingly normal boy in a small town. His parents were loving and his three siblings were close. He had a group of friends he had known since he was a small child and life seemed good.

Everything changed when Cooper was 16. His mother was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer and passed away shortly after. The family was devastated by the loss. Cooper was especially hard hit by his mother's death, and he started to feel like his life was spiraling out of control.

In the months following the death, Cooper's father began to drink heavily and became increasingly distant from the family. His siblings started to drift away as well, and the group of friends he had since childhood started to avoid him. His father eventually left town, leaving Cooper alone to cope with the loss of his mother and the emptiness of his life.

Cooper's depression was so severe that he started to have thoughts of suicide. He was so desperate for a way out of his pain that he was willing to attempt anything. One night, he decided to take a walk along the cliffs near his home. He walked to the edge and was about to jump when something stopped him.

It was his mother's voice, echoing through the night air. She told him that everything would be okay, that he was strong and could make it through this. Cooper stood there for a moment, tears streaming down his face. He took a step back, turned around, and made his way home.

Cooper's life has been far from easy, but with the memory of his mother's voice to guide him, he has found strength to keep going. He still struggles with depression and suicidal thoughts, but he has learned to cope and has surrounded himself with a strong support system. He now strives to live each day to its fullest in honor of his mother.

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