It's time for questionnaire !

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Over the course of the last couple of years, I’ve learned a lot about having you awesome people called my (beta) readers. You're a wonderful group of people who have helped me make my stories all they can be by providing valuable feedback before I polish and rewrite my series.

All up until book 4, one of the first things I noticed was that I wasn’t getting the specific feedback that I was looking for from some of you. The problem was that I hadn’t given you enough direction, giving you the questions I wanted answered. Posting some questions at the end of Book 5 made it easier for you guys to open up and talk to me about my series a bit more. I'm going to follow the same route and hand over a couple of questions this time again. Please feel free to take your time and kindly answer these questions. You have no idea how helpful they are for an aspiring author like me.  So here they are...

1. How did you find the writing quality? Better than the previous book or not?

2.  Was there enough conflict, tension, and intrigue in the story to keep your interest?

3. What observations did you make about Hayden’s personality as a king?

4. Did you find Shashi as a villain to be fleshed out and relatable?

5. Were the characters beside Hayden and Shashi developed well? Are there any characters you think could be made more interesting?

6. How would you describe my series to someone else?

7. Did you find yourself skimming through the action scenes. If yes, how would you like them to be written to make more interesting?

8. Which parts were exciting and should be elaborated on, and which were your least fav?

9. What is your fav/least fav book now? If the answer is book 6, please let me know why?

10. Did you pick up on any plot holes?

11. Did any explanations or revelations seem too contrived or contradictory?

12. Was anything written that made you stop and reflect for a moment?

13. Was the ending satisfying? Believable?

14. What were your predictions about the ending before you started reading? Feel free to spill your imagination.

15. Are there any questions/comments/concerns you have for me?

THANK YOU SO MUCH for reading my series and being a part of the huge journey. Hayden and I are forever grateful!

(Book 6) Hayden Mackay and The Third-Eye of the PancharatnaWhere stories live. Discover now