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As the exams approached, the group of friends decided to gather at Manik's house for some serious group study. They knew that studying together would help them clarify doubts and reinforce their understanding of the subjects. Manik's mother, Veronica, was delighted to see the kids being so diligent about their studies.

Veronica, a warm and welcoming host, ensured that all the essentials were readily available for the study session. She prepared a table with ample space for their books, notes, and laptops. Snacks and refreshments were neatly arranged on a nearby table to keep their energy levels up.

The atmosphere in Manik's house was conducive to productive studying, with plenty of natural light streaming in and a quiet ambiance that allowed them to focus. The friends settled in with their books and began tackling the subjects they needed to review.

Veronica occasionally checked in on them, offering words of encouragement and snacks to keep their brains fueled. She was proud to see the kids so committed to their studies and was more than happy to support them in any way she could.

With the combined efforts of their friends and the warm hospitality of Manik's mother, the group was well-prepared to face their upcoming exams. It was a testament to the strong bond they shared and the support they offered each other during both the fun and challenging times of their college journey.
As the group of friends diligently studied for their upcoming exams, the long hours of concentration began to take a toll on them. Niya was the first to doze off, her head gently resting on her open textbook. Soon after, one by one, the others followed suit, lulled into slumber by the peaceful ambiance of Manik's house.

Abhimanyu, with his headphones on, continued to study diligently, unaware of the sleepy domino effect happening around him. It wasn't until he felt something soft and warm on his shoulder that he realized what had transpired.

When he turned his head to investigate, he discovered Kunj, who had drifted off to sleep with a cute pout on his face. Abhimanyu couldn't help but smile at the sight of his friend peacefully napping.

Rather than waking them or disturbing their much-needed rest, Abhimanyu decided to let his friends sleep. He gently moved Kunj's head from his shoulder to his lap, making sure his friend was comfortable.

With Kunj now resting on his lap, Abhimanyu continued his studies, quietly flipping through his notes while occasionally glancing down at his sleeping friend. It was a heartwarming scene, a testament to the camaraderie and trust that had developed among the group of friends. As they all recharged their energy, Abhimanyu was content to provide a makeshift pillow for Kunj, ensuring that the study session could continue peacefully.

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