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Abhi controlled himself, kunj in drunken state trying to get intimate with abhi

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Abhi controlled himself, kunj in drunken state trying to get intimate with abhi....



As Abhimanyu helped Kunj back to their room, the air was thick with romantic tension. Abhi had been harboring deep feelings for Kunj, and the events of the previous night had brought his emotions to the surface. He cared for Kunj deeply and was determined to show him the utmost respect, even in this complicated situation. His heart raced as he undressed Kunj, leaving him in a shirt and shorts, his hands shaking slightly from the intensity of the moment.

Abhi knew he couldn't let things go any further. Kunj was intoxicated, and it would be wrong to take advantage of him in this state. So, as he left the room, he did it with a heavy heart, leaving the door ajar, allowing fresh air to fill the space as he went to sit on the balcony, wrestling with his feelings.

The next morning, Abhi hatched a mischievous plan. He had decided to play a light-hearted prank on Kunj, albeit one that involved a bit of drama. Balancing a tray of breakfast in one hand, Abhi pushed open the door to their room with the other, trying to keep a straight face. He set the tray on the bedside table and then, in a deliberately dramatic fashion, placed his hand on Kunj's cheek.

"Good morning," Abhi said with a teasing smile, "Did you sleep well?"

Kunj, still groggy from sleep and blinking at Abhi, noticed a hickey on Abhi's neck. His curiosity piqued, he asked with concern, "What happened last night?"

Playing along, Abhi decided to take it up a notch, "Well, you were pretty drunk, and things got a little... heated," he said, letting the words hang in the air, watching Kunj's eyes widen with panic.

Kunj's face flushed as he desperately tried to recall the events of the previous night. He stammered, "No, I don't remember any of that. We didn't... did we?"

Abhi, leaning closer to Kunj, couldn't help but continue with the prank, his tone teasing, "Yes, we did it."

Kunj's eyes welled up with tears, the fear of the unknown consuming him. In his semi-drunken state, he had no recollection of what might have transpired, and the thought filled him with dread.

But just as Kunj's emotions threatened to overflow, Abhi suddenly realized he had taken the prank too far. Panic washed over him as he saw Kunj's distress, and he knew it was time to come clean.

"No, no, Kunj, I'm sorry," Abhi said, reaching out to touch Kunj's arm. "It was just a joke, a prank. Nothing happened. I left the room last night."

Kunj, with teary eyes and pouting lips, released a mixture of relief and anger. He started hitting Abhi lightly on the chest, as his emotions swung between anxiety and irritation.

Abhi grabbed Kunj's wrists gently, attempting to soothe him. "Kunj, I didn't mean to scare you like that. It was a bad joke. I'm sorry," he said, genuinely remorseful for his actions.

Kunj, now wiping his tears away with the back of his hand, continued to glare at Abhi, his emotions still raw from the prank. "You scared me half to death, Abhi. That's not something you joke about."

As Kunj scolded Abhi, his words filled with a mixture of frustration and lingering vulnerability, Abhi couldn't help but feel guilty for his thoughtless prank. He wanted to make things right, to reassure Kunj and show him that he had not meant to cause any harm.

"You're right, Kunj. It was a terrible idea. I should've known better," Abhi admitted, his expression contrite.

Their faces were only inches apart, and as Abhi looked into Kunj's eyes, he saw a vulnerability that tugged at his heartstrings. He couldn't help but be captivated by the way Kunj's eyes held a blend of emotions – confusion, relief, and something else that Abhi couldn't quite pinpoint.

Kunj, his voice quivering, said, "I can't believe you'd even consider doing something like that. It's not funny."

Abhi realized he needed to make amends quickly. He leaned in a little closer, his breath mingling with Kunj's, and whispered, "Kunj, I want you to know something. I would never, ever cross any boundaries with you, no matter the circumstances. I respect you, perhaps more than you realize."

Kunj's eyes locked onto Abhi's as he absorbed the sincerity in Abhi's words. A moment of understanding passed between them, and Kunj's anger began to fade.

As Abhi wrapped his arms gently around Kunj, the tension in the room seemed to lessen. Kunj allowed himself to be held, letting the warmth of Abhi's embrace ease the last remnants of his anxiety.

Abhi couldn't help but feel the softness of Kunj's skin under his fingertips as he caressed Kunj's back soothingly. "I promise, Kunj, I would never do anything to hurt you. It was just a prank, and I regret it deeply. I'm sorry."

Kunj nodded, his eyes still moist, and a small smile tugged at his lips. "Apology accepted, Abhi."

The two friends held each other for a moment longer, a silent understanding passing between them. They had crossed a significant threshold in their relationship, one that underscored the depth of Abhi's feelings for Kunj and the respect that bound them together.

The tension was broken, replaced with a sense of camaraderie that transcended the boundaries of friendship. As Abhi released Kunj from their embrace, they shared a knowing look, a tacit acknowledgment of the unique bond that connected them.

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