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It's been some days kunj had left the country his all friends were sad due to kunj's sudden departure they all got to know due to his mom( leela) has some businesse that kunj needed to handle no one knew the real reason though except leela( kunj's mom), abhimanyu, and arjun....

The lecture droned on in the classroom, the monotonous sound of the professor's voice lulling everyone into a state of drowsiness. Arjun, Twinkle, Laksh, Abhimanyu, Nadini, Rudra, Niya, Suraj, and Rohit sat scattered across the room, their attention drifting as they struggled to stay awake.

 Arjun, Twinkle, Laksh, Abhimanyu, Nadini, Rudra, Niya, Suraj, and Rohit sat scattered across the room, their attention drifting as they struggled to stay awake

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winkle couldn't help but stifle a yawn as she glanced around the classroom. To her amusement, she noticed that her friends were all in the same boat, their eyelids drooping and heads nodding in sync with the professor's words. With a soft chuckle, she shook her head, finding solace in the fact that she wasn't the only one struggling to keep her eyes open.

However, her amusement was short-lived when she realized that Manik, one of their close friends, was nowhere to be seen. Frowning slightly, Twinkle leaned over to Niya, who sat beside her, and whispered, "Hey, Niya, do you know where Manik is? I haven't seen him in class today."

Niya, equally puzzled, shook her head in response. "No idea, Twinkle. I haven't seen him either. Maybe he's just running late or skipped class. You know how he can be sometimes."

Twinkle nodded, but a sense of unease lingered in the back of her mind. Manik rarely missed class without informing them beforehand, and his absence felt unusual. She made a mental note to check on him later and turned her attention back to the lecture, trying her best to focus despite the lingering worry about their missing friend.

Meanwhile, Arjun sat a few rows away, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of the past. Despite the outward appearance of indifference, he couldn't shake off the bitterness he felt towards Abhimanyu. Once inseparable best friends, their relationship had soured over time, leaving behind a rift that seemed impossible to bridge. Yet, Arjun maintained a facade of normalcy, hiding his true feelings beneath a mask of indifference.

As the lecture dragged on, the classroom remained enveloped in a haze of boredom and curiosity, with Twinkle's concern for Manik adding an extra layer of intrigue to an otherwise mundane day

As the dull drone of the professor's lecture continued, suddenly, the sound of a voice echoing through the college speaker system broke the monotony. Everyone in the classroom perked up, their curiosity piqued as they strained to listen to the unexpected announcement.

Manik (over the college speaker): Hey, everyone, I've got something a little different to share today. No pranks, I promise. Brace yourselves!

Manik's voice filled the room, his tone carrying a hint of nervousness and excitement. He declared that he had something important to share, dispelling the assumption that it was just another one of his pranks. Confusion rippled through the classroom, with many students speculating about the nature of Manik's announcement.

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