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The college had begun anew, marking the final year for the group of friends. Their campus was once again filled with the hustle and bustle of students and the excitement of a new academic year. As the days passed and classes resumed, the friends found themselves once more in their beloved cafeteria, sharing meals, laughter, and stories.

 As the days passed and classes resumed, the friends found themselves once more in their beloved cafeteria, sharing meals, laughter, and stories

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Riya: (nervous but determined) "Abhi, there's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while now. I hope you can hear me out."

Abhi: (surprised) "Riya, this is unexpected... What is it?"

Riya: (with a heartfelt smile) "I... I really like you, Abhi. I've had these feelings for quite some time, and I thought it was time to be honest about them."

Abhi: (nervous and unsure) "Oh... Riya, I appreciate your honesty, but I need some time to think about this."

Riya: (enthusiastic and hopeful) "Of course, take all the time you need. I'm just glad I could finally tell you."

[Abhi stammers and is unsure of how to react, while Riya is overjoyed by her confession and embraces him with a joyful hug, not realizing the impact this moment will have on others in the group.]

In front of the entire cafeteria, Riya bared her heart and confessed her feelings for Abhi. His immediate response was one of nervousness, and he stammered that he needed time to think about it. This response filled Riya with uncontainable enthusiasm, and she embraced Abhi in a joyful hug, oblivious to the storm her confession had stirred in the heart of another.

Kunj, who had been listening to Abhi's response, couldn't help but feel a painful jolt.

Kunj: (to himself, with a hint of sadness) "Why would Abhi hesitate? Was everything he said just a joke? I thought we had something real..."

His thoughts raced as he wondered why Abhi had hesitated when he had previously declared his feelings for him. Was it all a joke? The hurt and confusion weighed heavily on Kunj's heart, and in his wounded state, he quietly retreated from the cafeteria.

Day by day, Riya's presence grew more and more noticeable, clinging to Abhi, both physically and emotionally. To Kunj, every touch and affectionate exchange felt like salt being poured into his wounds. And, every time Abhi tried to approach him, it only drove Kunj further away.

Frustrated by the situation, Abhi found himself in a heartbreaking dilemma. He loved Kunj with a depth that transcended all other emotions, but the situation with Riya had placed their connection in jeopardy. He was caught between his affection for Riya and the love he held for Kunj, and it was tearing him apart.

One day, as Abhi roamed the campus, he noticed Kunj sitting alone in a quiet classroom, engrossed in his studies. Desperate to regain the closeness they once shared,

Abhi: (playful, with a hopeful smile) "Hey there, studious! Missed me, or have I been replaced?"

Kunj: (distant and cold) "Abhi, I'm trying to study. Can we not do this right now?"

Abhi: (frustrated, trying to lighten the mood) "Jealous, are we? You know, you're all I need, Kunj."

Kunj: (firmly, maintaining his distance) "Abhi, please, not today."

[Abhit his frustration and helplessness grow as he realized that his playful approach was getting him nowhere, and the distance between him and Kunj was only widening.]

Kunj's persistent silence and avoidance left Abhi feeling helpless and frustrated. He even attempted to tease Kunj, questioning whether he was jealous and assuring him that he was all Kunj ever needed. Yet, Kunj's continued indifference pushed Abhi to the brink.

Abhi's heart ached with the desire to rekindle the deep connection he had with Kunj, but his own indecision and the presence of Riya in their lives were pushing him into a corner. He longed to be able to express the depth of his love for Kunj and find a way back to the warmth and intimacy they had once shared.

(Poor Abhi 🥺)

[As Abhi continued to evade Riya's clinginess, he found himself seeking solace on the terrace. There, he spotted Kunj leaning on the fence, lost in deep contemplation. An idea struck him, and Abhi couldn't resist the urge to surprise Kunj. He approached stealthily and wrapped his arms around Kunj from behind, causing Kunj to jump in surprise.]

Abhi: (flirtatious) "I thought I'd surprise you, love."

[Kunj, however, was not in the mood for playful flirting. His anger and confusion were building up. He turned to face Abhi, his expression stern and full of resentment.]

Kunj: (accusatory) "You know, Abhi, I don't believe your words anymore. Your promises, your sweet nothings... Were they all just a façade? Do you even love me?"

[Abhi's eyes flashed with anger, and he pulled Kunj closer, gazing intensely into his eyes.]

Abhi: (with fiery determination) "Kunj, never doubt my love. My feelings for you are real. Don't question that, ever."

[With those words, Abhi turned and walked away from the terrace, leaving everyone behind, lost in their thoughts.]

[As Abhi walked away, Kunj's anger began to subside, leaving him with a deep sense of regret. He realized that his harsh words had wounded Abhi, the person he cared for deeply. Kunj stood on the terrace, watching Abhi's retreating figure, feeling a heavy weight of remorse for his actions.]

Kunj: (whispered to himself) "What have I done?"

[Regret gnawed at Kunj's heart as he reflected on his words and the hurt expression on Abhi's face. He knew he needed to make amends, but the question was how.]

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