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The airport terminal buzzed with the hurried footsteps of travelers and the distant hum of announcements. Kunj, clad in a mixture of emotions, stood near the departure gate. His friends, Manik and Arjun, had managed to unearth his departure secret. Unbeknownst to Kunj, they were there not only to bid him farewell but to express the sentiments that brewed in their hearts.

Manik approached Kunj, and without a word, they embraced in a heartfelt hug. The unspoken understanding between them, the camaraderie that had blossomed over shared laughter and comforting silences, was now laced with the bitter realization that distance would soon separate them. Manik whispered, "I'll miss you, buddy," his voice tinged with both sadness and gratitude.

Kunj reciprocated the hug, feeling the weight of unspoken goodbyes. "I'll miss you too, Manik. You've been more than a friend; you've been family."

Next in line was Twinkle, whom Kunj fondly considered his sweet little sister. As they hugged, tears welled up in Twinkle's eyes, and her nose turned a shade of red. Kunj, known for his playful banter, couldn't resist a tease even in the midst of farewells. "Come on, Twinkle, don't turn into a tomato. I'll be just a phone call away, annoying you as always."

Twinkle playfully hit him, a mix of tears and laughter. "Promise me you'll call every day, okay? And don't forget to eat properly!"

Kunj chuckled, ruffling her hair. "I promise, Twinkle. You take care of yourself too."

Arjun, with a calm demeanor masking the whirlwind of emotions within, stepped forward. Kunj's eyes met Arjun's, and a silent understanding passed between them. Arjun embraced Kunj, holding onto the moment as if time itself lingered in their hug. Finally, Arjun mustered the courage to confess his feelings.

"Kunj," Arjun began, "there's something I need to tell you. I... I love you." His words hung in the air, vulnerable and sincere.

Kunj, taken aback by the unexpected confession, looked into Arjun's eyes. The sincerity and depth of Arjun's feelings were undeniable. "Arjun, I appreciate your honesty. You've been an incredible friend, and I'm grateful for that. But my heart belongs to someone else."

Arjun, his smile a mixture of acceptance and pain, squeezed Kunj's hand. "I know, Kunj. I just needed you to know. You deserve all the love in the world, even if it's not from me."

Kunj nodded, "Thank you, Arjun. You'll find someone who loves you just as you deserve."

The trio shared a moment of silence, acknowledging the complexities of love and friendship. As they left the emotional tableau at the airport, Kunj headed towards his mother, who was delivering a classic mom lecture about eating on time, avoiding late-night wanderings, and all the typical advice that only a mother could impart.

Kunj: (smiling tearfully) "I know, Mom. And I appreciate your support. It just hurts right now."

Leela: (embracing Kunj) "Sometimes, beta, we need to take a step back to move forward. But promise me one thing."

Kunj: (curious) "What, Mom?"

Leela: "Promise me you won't shut yourself off from love. Life is unpredictable, and sometimes the best moments happen when we least expect them."

Kunj: (smiling through tears) "I promise, Mom. I won't close my heart. And who knows, maybe life has something beautiful in store for me."

Leela: (wiping away a tear) "That's my boy. Now, go and face whatever awaits you. And remember, you're not alone. We'll be here waiting for you."

Kunj: (hugging his mom tightly) "Thank you, Mom. I love you."

Leela: "I love you too, Kunj. Now, go and make the most of this new chapter in your life."

As Kunj left for his journey, the airport echoed with the bittersweet exchange between a mother and her son, navigating the complexities of love, loss, and the promise of a hopeful future.

The scene, a blend of sentimental goodbyes and the reassurance of familial bonds, marked the beginning of Kunj's journey to a new chapter in his life.

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