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The chase was on, and the streets of Manali turned into a colorful battleground as the friends engaged in playful rivalries, each team trying various tactics to tag Kunj with colors while evading the other teams.

Twinkle and Niya, a dynamic duo, decided to use their teamwork. Twinkle distracted Abhimanyu with her witty banter while Niya circled around, armed with a water balloon filled with bright pink color.

Twinkle: (with a mischievous grin) Abhimanyu, you won't escape us that easily!

Niya: (holding the water balloon) We've got a surprise for you, Kunj!

Kunj: (grinning) You two are quite the team, but you'll have to be faster than that!

But Kunj was quick on his feet, and he managed to dodge their attempts, leaving the two girls laughing and strategizing for their next move.

Arjun and Manik, being the strategists of the group, attempted a pincer attack. They came at Kunj from two different directions, jun: (whispering to Manik) Let's catch him from both sides, Manik.

Manik: (nodding) Agreed, Arjun. We've got this!

Kunj: (looking ahead) You won't catch me that easily, guys

but Kunj, with his quick thinking, slipped through a narrow alley, narrowly escaping their colorful clutches.

Rudra, ever the flirt, decided to charm Kunj into letting his guard down. He approached with a sly grin and tried to engage Kunj in a conversation about the beauty of Holi. However, Kunj, catching onto his antics, saw through the ruse and sprinted away, leaving Rudra laughing at his own failed attempt.

Suraj and Laksh, always up for some mischief, unleashed an arsenal of water balloons in Kunj's direction. Kunj dodged and weaved through the colorful onslaught, narrowly avoiding getting splashed with colors.

Nandini, watching the chaos unfold, couldn't help but get involved. She teamed up with Rudra to create a diversion, hoping to catch Kunj off guard. But Kunj, displaying impressive agility, vaulted over a low wall, evading their colorful clutches yet again.

Meanwhile, Kunj, hiding behind a stack of colorful Holi merchandise in a market stall, couldn't help but chuckle at the antics of his friends. He was thoroughly enjoying this playful game of cat and mouse.

The chase continued through the streets of Manali, with laughter and cheers echoing through the air. As each team tried their best to color Kunj, the colorful chaos of Holi blended with the thrill of their competition, creating a lighthearted and entertaining spectacle.

Little did they know that this Holi celebration would not only be memorable but would also bring them closer together, strengthening the bonds of friendship and, perhaps, revealing hidden feelings along the way.

As the colorful chase continued through the streets of Manali, Abhimanyu, fueled by determination, decided it was time to bring out his competitive spirit and devise a clever strategy to win the bet and secure his special wish.

He watched Kunj from a distance, noting how Kunj was adept at evading their colorful onslaught. Abhimanyu knew that a direct approach wouldn't work; he needed something more ingenious. He called a quick huddle with his teammates, Twinkle and Nandini, who had been observing the situation closely.

"Listen, guys," Abhimanyu said, his eyes gleaming with determination. "Kunj is quick, and he's always on the move. We need to think outside the box to color him first. Let's use our brains, not just our colors."

Twinkle and Nandini exchanged intrigued glances, recognizing that Abhimanyu was about to unveil a plan that could change the course of the colorful chase.

Wounds of the Heart (दिल के घाव)💔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon