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As Arjun answered the phone and heard Kunj's voice choked with tears, his concern deepened. He knew something was terribly wrong. "Kunj, what happened? Why are you crying?" Arjun asked, his own worry evident in his voice.

Kunj struggled to find words between his sobs. He finally managed to say, "Arjun, it's Abhi. He... he's engaged to someone else, and he said he never loved me. It was all a lie."

Arjun felt his heart drop at the news. He had never seen Kunj so devastated. "I'm coming to get you, Kunj," he said without hesitation. "Just stay where you are. I'll be there soon."

As Kunj continued to cry on the other end of the line, Arjun made his way to the rooftop as quickly as he could, determined to be there for his friend in this moment of heartbreak and despair.

As Arjun reached the rooftop, he saw Kunj standing there, a disheveled and heartbroken mess. Kunj's tears were still streaming down his face, his shoulders trembling with the weight of his emotions. Arjun's heart ached at the sight of his friend in such pain.

Without a word, Arjun walked over to Kunj and gently put his arms around him in a comforting embrace. He didn't say anything, understanding that sometimes the best way to offer support was through a silent presence. He just held Kunj, allowing him to cry and letting him know that he wasn't alone in this difficult moment.

After a while, when Kunj's sobs began to subside, Arjun softly said, "I'm here for you, Kunj. You don't have to go through this alone. We'll get through it together."

As Kunj began to open up about what had happened with Abhi, his voice trembled with emotion. He explained the engagement, the rooftop confrontation, and Abhi's hurtful words. Tears welled up in his eyes as he recounted the pain he was feeling.

Arjun listened attentively, his heart aching for his friend. When Kunj finished his story, he looked into Arjun's eyes, his own filled with sorrow and confusion.

Without saying a word, Arjun pulled Kunj into a warm and comforting embrace. Kunj buried his face in Arjun's shoulder, allowing himself to cry and let out all the hurt and frustration he had been holding in.

Arjun stroked Kunj's back gently and whispered, "I'm so sorry you had to go through this, Kunj. But remember, you have friends who care about you and will support you through anything. You're not alone in this."

Kunj, still sobbing softly, nodded in response, grateful for Arjun's understanding and support.
As Arjun's car pulled into the driveway of his home, he couldn't help but notice how withdrawn and fragile Kunj looked. He knew that Kunj had been through an incredibly tough time, and he was determined to provide the comfort and support his friend needed.

Parking the car, Arjun quickly rushed to the other side, determined to be a gentleman and open the door for Kunj. He knew that even in small gestures, he could offer Kunj a sense of care and attention.

As the door swung open, Kunj slowly climbed out of the car but seemed unsteady on his feet. Weakness and emotional exhaustion had taken a toll on him. Just as Arjun was about to offer a helping hand, Kunj's strength gave way, and he fainted right there.

Arjun's instincts kicked in, and he swiftly moved to catch Kunj before he hit the ground. With Kunj safely cradled in his arms, Arjun carried him into the house, his heart filled with worry and concern for his friend.

Inside the house, Arjun gently laid Kunj on a nearby couch and immediately dialed a doctor's number. He explained the situation, emphasizing that Kunj had been under immense stress and emotional strain. The doctor advised Arjun to ensure Kunj rested and to keep an eye on his condition. While the doctor didn't see an immediate need for hospitalization, he did recommend a checkup just to be safe.

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