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A wave of nostalgia washed over Manik and Rohit as they stared at the email on their laptop screen. The subject line – "College Reunion: 5 Years Later" – sparked a kaleidoscope of memories. College life, filled with late-night study sessions, raucous parties, and forging friendships that felt like family.

"Can you believe it's been five years already?" Manik mused, a wistful smile playing on his lips. He yearned to see Twinkle, his confidante, the one person who understood his artistic soul. A flicker of hope sparked within him. Maybe he would see Arjun too, mend some broken fences.

Rohit, ever the optimist, bounced in his seat. "Reunion time! Get ready for a weekend of reminiscing, bad dancing, and maybe even some questionable karaoke choices."

The email ignited similar emotions across the miles. In Bangalore, Suraj and Laksh exchanged a knowing glance, their hearts brimming with anticipation at the prospect of reconnecting with their college buddies.

Across the ocean in London, Rudra stared at the email, a battle raging within him. He longed to see his friends, to relive the laughter and camaraderie of their college days. Yet, the ghosts of the past lingered, filled with regrets and unsaid words.

Mumbai echoed with excitement. Abhimanyu, a hint of nervousness masked by a smile, envisioned seeing his friends once again. Maybe, just maybe, there would be a chance encounter with Kunj, the girl who still held a corner of his heart.
In Australia, Arjun grappled with conflicting emotions. The prospect of seeing his old friends, especially Manik and Rohit, warmed his heart. Yet, the darkness within him, fueled by his thirst for revenge, threatened to cast a shadow on the reunion.
Twinkle and Niya in Mumbai squealed with delight. They couldn't wait to catch up with everyone, to relive the carefree days of friendship and camaraderie.

However, across the vast expanse of the United States, a different story unfolded. Kunj received the email, his heart sinking with a familiar pang. He couldn't bear the thought of facing everyone, of reliving the past hurt. Twinkle's insistent call only amplified his internal struggle.

"Kunj, you can't punish everyone for what happened years ago! It's time to move on," she pleaded, her voice strained from a two-hour lecture. Finally, cornered by her unwavering spirit, Kunj mumbled a hesitant "maybe," a flicker of hope battling against his deeply ingrained fear.

After hanging up, Kunj stared at his reflection, his friend Alex witnessing the turmoil within. The reunion loomed – a chance for reconnection, for healing old wounds, and maybe, just maybe, for new beginnings. As the days ticked by, each character wrestled with their own demons, their decisions shaping the course of their journey back to their shared past.

Time skip~

Suraj sank deeper into his plush first-class seat, his eyelids drooping like half-closed curtains. Laksh, on the other hand, resembled a buzzing bee hopped up on a sugar rush. The excitement for the reunion crackled around him, threatening to engulf the entire cabin.

"Suraj! Did you pack your favorite college sweatshirt? Remember the one with the silly squirrel logo? Abhimanyu would love to see it again!" Laksh rambled, his voice bouncing off the airplane walls.

Suraj managed a weak smile. "Yeah, yeah, the squirrel one is in." His sleep-deprived state was a testament to Laksh's relentless packing enthusiasm. Throughout the night, Laksh had conducted a personal hurricane, tossing clothes, rummaging through drawers, and narrating past anecdotes with the fervor of a seasoned storyteller.

Meanwhile, in a different corner of the country, Manik and Rohit were also preparing for the reunion, albeit in a less chaotic manner. Their apartment resembled a well-organized disaster zone – suitcases lay open, neatly folded clothes stacked precariously, and travel documents scattered like fallen dominoes.

Manik, usually the picture of calm, was humming a tune under his breath, a nervous energy radiating from him. The reunion meant seeing Twinkle, his confidante, the one person who understood the chaotic symphony of his soul. He yearned for their connection, a haven of understanding amidst the whirlwind of his music career.

Rohit, ever the efficient one, was juggling phone calls with the music agency, securing last-minute clearances for Manik's absence. A playful grin spread across his face as he hung up the phone.

"Permission granted, oh mighty musician! But remember, if you miss that marketing campaign shoot, you'll be singing the blues for a whole different reason."

Manik chuckled, the tension easing from his shoulders. "Relax, Ro. You know I wouldn't miss anything important. Except maybe some beauty sleep."

Their laughter echoed through the apartment, a melody of friendship, reminding them of the carefree days of college. As the planes soared towards their destination, carrying dreams, anxieties, and the promise of a weekend filled with nostalgia, the stage was set for a reunion that could rewrite the past, mend broken bridges, and ignite new beginnings.


Do you think kunj will come?

Will Rudra will able to make up his mind???

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