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The group of friends had just discovered that they were in Manali during the famous Holi festival. Excitement filled the room as they discussed their plans for the colorful celebration.

Twinkle, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm, exclaimed, "I can't believe we're going to experience Manali Holi! It's going to be epic!"

Manik chimed in, "I've heard that Manali's Holi is unlike any other. The entire town comes alive with colors and festivities."

Nandini, who was always prepared, added, "We should buy some traditional white clothes and stock up on colors for tomorrow."

Niya, who was a fan of all things vibrant, exclaimed, "I can't wait to get drenched in colors!"

Rudra, with his flirtatious nature, couldn't help but tease, "I wonder who will look the most attractive all colored up."

Suraj, catching onto the playful banter, winked at laksh and said, "I've got dibs on making laksh look like a rainbow."

As the conversation continued, Kunj, who had spent most of his life in the U.S. and had never experienced Holi, hesitated for a moment. He confessed, "Well, I've heard a lot about Holi, but it's not really my cup of tea."

Everyone turned to Kunj, surprised by his reservation. Twinkle, always the spirited one, couldn't resist teasing him. "Oh, come on, Kunj! You can't miss Manali Holi! It's a once-in-a-lifetime experience."

Manik chimed in with a grin, "Don't worry, Kunj. We'll make sure you have a blast."

Abhimanyu, who had been quiet until now, had a conflicted expression. He hadn't quite figured out his feelings towards Kunj, but he couldn't deny that he was growing increasingly jealous of the attention Kunj was receiving, especially from Suraj.

Suraj, seizing the opportunity to flirt some more, playfully said, "Kunj, don't worry. I'll make sure you have the time of your life during Holi."

That comment hit a nerve with Abhimanyu. He clenched his fist under the table, his jealousy simmering beneath the surface. He was determined to be the one who would color Kunj first on Holi, but he kept his thoughts to himself for now.

Rudra, always the one to add some mischief, proposed a bet. "How about this? We make a bet on who can color Kunj first tomorrow. Whoever wins gets a wish, and Kunj has to fulfill it."

Niya, never one to back down from a challenge, eagerly agreed. "I'm in! I want to see who can win this colorful race."

The group unanimously decided that the bet was on. Everyone began discussing their strategies and tactics for the next day's Holi festivities.

Abhimanyu, however, remained focused on his goal, determined to be the one who would color Kunj first. He knew that winning this bet would give him the chance to make a special wish, and perhaps, finally figure out his feelings towards the new addition to their group.

The anticipation for Holi had taken hold of the group, and their planning and strategizing continued late into the night. Everyone had their own ideas on how they could be the first to color Kunj.

Arjun, always one to think outside the box, suggested, "How about we form teams? It'll be a fun twist. We can make it a friendly competition within our group."

Rudra, the flirtatious one, grinned and said, "I like the sound of that. Teams of two, and we'll see who can tag Kunj with color first."

Twinkle, with her competitive spirit, chimed in, "Let's randomize the teams! That way, it'll be a surprise who ends up with whom."

Nandini, the group's motherly figure, added, "And we can set some ground rules so that it's all in good fun and no one gets hurt."

As they continued to iron out the details of their Holi competition, Abhimanyu couldn't help but feel a surge of determination. He had made up his mind that he would be the one to color Kunj first, no matter the circumstances.

The night wore on, and the group finally decided to get some rest, knowing that they had a colorful day ahead. They each retired to their respective rooms, still filled with excitement and a hint of competitiveness.

In the room that Abhimanyu and Kunj were sharing, there was an unspoken tension. Abhimanyu, lying in bed, stared at the ceiling, his mind filled with thoughts of tomorrow's Holi celebration. He was determined to make his move, but he also felt a sense of unease about his own emotions.

Kunj, on the other hand, was lying awake as well, staring out of the window. He had been enjoying his time with this group of friends, but he couldn't ignore the fact that there was something different about the way Abhimanyu looked at him. It had stirred something within him that he hadn't expected.

As the night grew darker, both Abhimanyu and Kunj were left with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. They were on the brink of a colorful adventure, one that had the potential to bring them closer together or reveal feelings they hadn't fully understood. Tomorrow's Holi promised to be a day of surprises and revelations for the group, and especially for Abhimanyu and Kunj.

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