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Maya, with her formidable manipulative skills, embarks on a mission to guilt trip Abhi into agreeing to an engagement with Riya, the daughter of their business partner. She begins by artfully weaving a narrative that tugs at Abhi's emotions and sense of duty.

Maya: "Abhi, you know how much I've sacrificed for this family and our business. I've always dreamed of a secure future for you, and Riya's family is a crucial part of that dream. They've been loyal partners for years, and now they expect us to unite our families through this engagement. It would mean so much to me if you could just consider their proposal."

She leverages her love for Abhi and her history of sacrifices to make him feel indebted to her.

Maya: "Abhi, I've always put your happiness first. This engagement would secure our family's future, and you mean the world to me. I wouldn't ask you to do this if it wasn't absolutely necessary for our family's success. Please, think of all I've done for you and how much this means to me."

Maya skillfully employs the guilt Abhi feels for all the sacrifices she's made to frame the engagement as an act of reciprocation.

Maya: "I've always supported you and your choices, and now I need you to support me in this. Our business, our family's future—it all depends on you. Riya is a wonderful girl, and I believe she could make you happy. Please, Abhi, do this for your family."

Maya's manipulation and guilt-tripping tactics become increasingly difficult for Abhi to resist. While he loves Kunj and has his own dreams and desires, he is torn between his loyalty to his mother and his sense of duty to their family's business. The emotional turmoil created by Maya's manipulation challenges Abhi as he grapples with this life-altering decision.

The web of emotions, loyalty, and manipulation becomes more complex as Abhi faces the difficult choice of either succumbing to Maya's pressure or finding a way to navigate this intricate situation in a manner that preserves his own happiness and relationships.
Maya, as a master manipulator, is keenly aware of the power of emotional manipulation. She understands that Abhi's love for her and his longing for her approval can be used as tools to achieve her own goals. With calculated precision, she employs tactics designed to sway Abhi to her side, regardless of the consequences for his relationship with Kunj and his family.

One of Maya's manipulation techniques is guilt-tripping. She artfully makes Abhi feel responsible for her happiness and emotional well-being. By using emotional guilt as leverage, she convinces him that helping her seek revenge is a way to make amends for perceived wrongs against her. This manipulation taps into Abhi's innate sense of responsibility and caring nature.

Maya doesn't shy away from distorting the truth to serve her agenda. She expertly utilizes half-truths and carefully selected information to portray Leela and her family in a negative light. By painting them as the antagonists in her story, she justifies Abhi's actions against them, even if it means straining his relationship with Kunj and his loved ones.

Abhi finds himself caught in a tug-of-war between his loyalty to Kunj and the strong desire for his mother's approval. His love for Kunj and his family is undeniable, but Maya's manipulative tactics pull him in the opposite direction. The internal conflict he experiences is a testament to the powerful influence of Maya's emotional manipulation. He wants to make his mother proud, yet it places him in a moral dilemma.

As Maya's manipulative tactics intensify, Abhi faces increasing pressure and must navigate the intricate web of emotions and loyalties. This complex interplay of relationships and manipulation creates a challenging and emotionally charged dynamic for Abhi and the people he cares about.
What will abhi do?????

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