Chapter 110

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Soon it's the New Year's Eve again.

This year, the Ruan family came to Huo's house to celebrate the New Year together. The New Year's goods purchased by Ruan Yimian and Huo Aowu were even richer than last year.

The escort agency bought a pig and a sheep. Huo Aowu asked for a small half of each. The other escorts each shared some, and the escort agency's kitchen also kept some.

Rouge Workshop had a holiday on the 20th of the twelfth lunar month. Rao Qiaoyun took Lidong, Lichun, Nan Geer and the Tao brothers to make cured goods, including cured pork, cured mutton, cured sausage, cured duck, cured fish, etc., and made everything. Some.

Lu Caimei wanted to help, but several servants didn't let her get started.

New Year's Eve dinner is made at the beginning of spring.

Unlike Lidong and Nan Geer, Lichun loves cooking and thinking about food more than making rouge. After coming to Shanliu Village, he cooked several times, and each time he cooked better.

Later, Rao Qiaoyun gave him the position of chef and only brought Lidong and others to help him.

Ruan Yimian also loves to eat the food cooked by Li Chun. After being praised by him a few times, Li Chun became more motivated.

The employees of the rouge workshop can take one day off every five days, and the same is true for Lichun and others. During these rest times, Lichun uses them to study food.

Nowadays, Ruan Yimian's snacks include not only snacks and fruits bought from outside, but also various cakes and roasted seeds and nuts made in the beginning of spring.

This year's New Year's dinner was prepared several days in advance at the beginning of spring. It took a lot of effort to prepare a table of dishes that were full of color, flavor and meaning.

Not only Ruan Yimian, but also Lu Caimei was full of praise.

In the evening, the family warmed up together by the fire to watch the New Year's Eve. Lu Caimei also joked: "If we can pass the Italian test next year, then we don't have to hire a cook outside to hold a banquet. The beginning of spring will be enough."

Hearing this, the others also looked longingly.

Those who pass the examination are "tribute scholars", and all tribute scholars can participate in the palace examination. It can be said that as long as you pass the examination, you will be a quasi-jinshi, and it will be just around the corner to become an official in the court.

Ruan Yimian laughed and teased his brother: "Then brother should give Li Chun more rewards."

Ruan Yiwen was very confident: "Just ask Li Chun to prepare more dishes."

Lin Qiu put down the chestnuts in his hand, clapped his hands, and said proudly: "Brother Mian, don't worry. Although your brother is a poor scholar, I have money, so I'll cover it for him!"

Everyone couldn't help but laugh.

Ruan Dexian took a sip of tea, breathed a sigh of relief, and said slowly: "You don't have to wait for the Italian test, we have to hold a banquet for building a house next year!"

Lu Caimei slapped her thigh: "It's true! I have completely forgotten about this!"

Ruan Yimian and Huo Aowu had long been interested in helping the Ruan family build a new house, but Ruan Dexian and Lu Caimei felt that it was outrageous to ask their son-in-law to pay for it. When Lin Qiu wanted to pay for it later, they did not agree, and it was delayed for two years.

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