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"긴장되십니까, 카이야? 이건 두려워할 일이 아닙니다. 통행권입니다." (Are your nervous, Kai ya ? This is nothing to be afraid of. It is a right of passage.) I currently was with my mother. She usually wasn't so concerned with my emotions. She trusted I could handle most things. However, what I was just told was not something you can easily understand after first hearing it.

"I am a bit nervous. You are saying that magic is real. That I have magic...", I respond as my mother sighed as she gently held my hands in hers. This was all too odd. Magic ? Did she really expect me to believe that magic exists ?

"Magic does exist, Kai. It was made very clear when I adopted you..." I knew I was adopted. I had know since I could talk, but not that I really minded. My mother was my mother regardless if she was adoptive. "Really then ? How do you know that ?"

My mother proceeded to show me a note that was with me when I was adopted. She read out what it said to me. 

Please take care of my son as if he was your own. You will never know me, but there is something you need to know for when the times comes...

Magic is real. It exists. True magic. Kai, my son, is a warlock. He will present human until the time comes for him to attend Caster University, a school for magical beings. 

When that time comes please make sure he is prepared. Approximately at 5:53 in the evening a portal will be opened in your world. Send him through.


His Mother

"Do you believe it now ? I have no reason to lie about this, Kai. We still have time to have you packed..." It was true. My mother had no reason to lie. I couldn't avoid this. This was going to happen. This was real. 

It happened so fast. We were packing my stuff when mom looked at a picture on my desk. Of my father. Adoptive father anyway. "저도 보고 싶어요, 엄마 아빠는 우리가 슬퍼하는 걸 원치 않으실 거예요." (I miss him too, Mom. Dad wouldn't want us to be sad.) He died five years ago, but it always felt like it happened just the other day. It was an accident with fire. Mom smiled as she put the photo in my suitcase. 

"Will you be alright here alone, Mom ? I really don't like the idea of you being here sad..." My mother ruffled my hair as she smiled. "I won't be sad, Kai. You're just going to learn more about yourself. I couldn't be happier for you."

It wasn't long before I was all packed. A flash of what looked like lightning shown from my closet. I slowly opened it surprised to find a carriage. A coachman approached shaking both of our hands in turn. "Warlock. Huening Kai. Am I right ?" I nodded as the coachman loaded my things into the carriage. I assume he wanted to be correct with his stop.

I hugged my mother before the coachman approached us once more. He handed my mother a slip of paper. "What is this ?", Mom asked a bit confused as the coachman let out a hearty laugh. He seemed most amused by my mother' confusion. "That is the contact information for Caster University. Headmistress Kwon gives this to all human parents of magical beings who are attending."

My mother nodded as I was handed a ticket. "A ticket ? What is this for ? Isn't this carriage taking me to the university ?" I asked a bit confused as I assumed I was being taken all the way there. The coachman nodded as he pointed at the ticket, "그 표는 대학교에 도착하면 필요한 표입니다. 기숙사 방 배정 방법입니다. 번호는 T-05입니다." (That ticket is needed for when we reach the university. It is how you'll be assigned your dorm room. Your number is T-05.)

I climbed into the carriage after saying goodbye once more. Quickly the carriage took off faster than I could blink. It wasn't long before the gates of Caster University came into view. The coachman handed me a shimmering green drink. "Drink this. It will help with that nauseous feeling." I cringed & handed it back, "I'd rather not. I can handle my nausea..."

The coachman didn't push as he handed me my luggage. "When you go in, keep straight. There is where you'll meet Professor Cho. Don't look her in the eyes... Good luck !" The coachman said this seemingly in a concerned tone. Did he know something ? I didn't get to ask as  I was pushed through the gates as the coachman & his carriage disappeared once more. 

I kept straight when sure enough I was met with the yes of Professor Cho. "Ticket, please ?" I avoided eye contact as I was told. Had the coachman said that to scare me ? Professor Cho doesn't seem terrifying... I handed the ticket over she lit it on fire. She gestured to my right, her left. 

"오른쪽 계단으로 쭉 내려가세요. 그리고 왼쪽으로 가세요. 거기서 방이 기다리고 있어요, 어린 마법사." (Take the staircase to your right all the way down. Then take a left. There your room awaits you, young warlock.)

I did as suggested. The door however didn't have a doorknob. Great, how man I supposed to get inside now ? A mysterious girl took my wrist & made me know three times on the door. "You know three times. That way the door recognizes you. The school is alive with magic. Did you not know this ?" I thanked the girl as I entered the room with her staying in the doorway. "This is all new to me. I guess there is a lot I need to learn around here." 

The girl nodded as she left. Who was that anyway? I sat down on the bunk bed on the left side of the room at the bottom. 

Was coming here really worth it ?

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