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Once in their dorm Taehyun conjured a secret room that would only open or reveal itself with a password only they knew of. The shard was sat on a table while Taehyun handed Beomgyu a magnifying glass. "Read whatever you can off of the shard, hyung. I believe the shard has all the answers we want. Like you said."

Beomgyu nodded as he glanced at the shard from the magnifying glass. Surely enough, there was hidden information on the shard. He read aloud what he was reading. "당신이 이 글을 읽고 있다면 당신은 운명의 한 사람입니다. 별들의 아이입니다. 당신은 엄청난 힘을 가지고 있고 준비가 되어 있지 않으면 이 힘을 얻기 위해 사냥을 당할 수 있습니다. 모든 성단 조각들이 모이면 당신은 당신의 조련사인 충호를 소환하기 위해 이 말을 하기만 하면 됩니다. 나는 은하가 밝히는 길을 걸을 것을 엄숙히 맹세합니다..." (If you are reading this, you are one of the destined. A child of the stars. You hold immense power and can be hunted for this power if you aren't prepared. Once all of the cluster shards are together you need only say these words to summon your trainer, Chungho. I solemnly swear to walk the path lit up by galaxies...)

The boys slowly took in what they just heard. Soobin sighed as what he asked next was vital to what they just heard. What was their decision ? "Will we do this ? There is a lot that message didn't say..." He wasn't wrong. The message doesn't say what could hunt them down or why they needed a trainer in the first place. 

Taehyun felt all eyes fall on him as he glanced at Yeonjun, "It is your call, hyung. What are we going to do ?" Putting all the pressure on Yeonjun in the moment was not easy, but they all completely trusted his input. He was the eldest within the hidden room, so there was no doubt his opinion would have leverage with the other four. "I say--" Yeonjun began only to be cut short by a knock on their dorm door. A shout could be heard about the ceremony that they had all been chosen for before, but that this would be different. Just how different could this get ?

Haneul & Hana stood between the circle of five seeming sure that this ceremony will go in relatively the same direction as before they left on their task to get the Cluster shard pieces. This being a magic circle that makes accurate judgment. Others tended to other freshman as Headmistress Kwon made an announcement,  "It has been months since the first claiming of magical alignment... Go with your seniors & then join for a feast tonight."

Haneul spoke first, "누가 먼저 하기를 원할까요? 간단합니다. 우리는 여러분의 손바닥을 자르고 피가 원의 중심에 닿도록 합니다. 이것은 여러분이 어디에 서 있는지를 영구적으로 결정할 것입니다." (Who wishes to go first ? This is simple. We cut the palms of your hands and let the blood touch the center of the circle. This will determine where you stand permanently.) At first no one spoke up & Hana was pleased when Taehyun put his hand out. 

Swiftly, Taehyun' hand was cut & the blood from his hand touched the circle. A puff of black smoke appeared briefly which indicated Taehyun was still a warlock of dark magic. A sinner. One by one the others followed. The results this time certainly was a shock. 

Kai was still aligned with light magic along with Beomgyu. The shocking part was that Soobin & Yeonjun' alignments have switched. Soobin questioned this angrily, "그럴 리가 없어요! 실수가 있었어요! 저는 이것을 믿기를 거부합니다!" (This can't be right ! There has been a mistake ! I refuse to believe this !) The boys were all confused on why a change like that would happen but they were firmly reassured that the magical circle never lied. This was no mere coincidence.

In the midst of everything going on Taehyun locked eyes with Professor Cho, who was signaling  him to follow her...

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